CHAPTER SIX [edited]

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I took in a deep breath and knocked on the door. The boys had left to sit in the lobby area of the hospital.

"Come" called the voice from inside.
I slowly opened the door and saw him.

He was sitting on the flawless white bed in white clothes, looking like an angel. He was staring out from the floor to ceiling window, which was almost a wall because it had no opening and only beige curtains. The view was exotic, the person in the room could watch could see the whole Seoul city.

I waited until he turned his attention to me. He looked at me for a moment and then leaned back into the backrest of the bed.

He was silent, I was expecting him to start screaming and squealing 'Kookie' but from the look in his eyes he was in no mood.

"Are you ordered to stay at the door" he asked me and then I realised that I was frozen at the door. I mumered a 'no' and came in, closing the door behind me.

His goddamn voice was getting the best of me. It was taking my whole strength to not to shudder.

It was so cold and emotionless. And when you look in his eyes, it seemed like someone sucked all the warmth away from them and left nothing but cold brown pits.

"How are you now Taehyung" I asked as I sat on the chair beside his bed.
"Stiff" he said.
"Yeah" I mumbled.
"Are those for me?" he suddenly asked and it made me look at him with confusion but the it stuck me that he was probably talking about the bouquet that I was clutching in my arms.
"Yeah it is" I said giving him the white roses. He took with a swift yet slow moment and smiled at it.

But same with the smile, it was even colder that his goddamn eyes.
"We picked White roses, cause you don't like the red ones" I said, trying my best to tell him that I know.

"I?" he spoke with a raised eyebrow,"Who the heck told you that I don't like red roses"
"Well...You don't like white ones than"
He gave me a nod and said,"I like red ones because red is the colour of blood, colour of life. On the contrary White is the colour of dead...A defeated colour..but Thanks for the bouquet's beautiful"

I gave him my deluxe bunny smile which melts anyone but he seemed anything but melted.

He kept aside the bouquet and said,"Well I'm glad you came here, There are just nurses here and they are too busy to talk"
"I'll visit you more often then" I said.
" should not harm you schedule" he stated and looked past me outside the window. I turned my chair around and looked at the Seoul city.
"Seoul is so beautiful from up here" Taehyung whispered and I turned my rotatable chair back at him.
"Yes it is" I said.

"Taehyung I'm sorry" I said and looked at the bed.
"For what?" he asked with a dry chuckle,"It's not your fault that I drove into the truck"

"But~" my voice cracked and tears came streaming down my cheeks.
"Aish..Jungkook don't be a crybaby" he said and grabbed my chin.
"Taehyung I'm sorry" I sobbed and sat on the side of the bed and hugged him.

He winced and said,"Jungkook my stitches are still raw"
"Shit I'm sorry" I said and pulled away. He stared at me with cold eyes and made no attempt to wipe my tears like he would have done. So, I cleaned then away myself.

"Why don't you call me Kookie now" I asked.
"Fuck" he said,"Did I used to call you Kookie, Damn it's quiet childish"

It's was the first time I heard Taehyung curse and it felt throughly weird.

"So you won't call me Kookie now" I asked.
"Never" he scoffed,"I don't want to look like a child"

I looked down at the bed. It was wrong. He was not the Taehyung I knew. What happened to him? Where did his warmth go? Why is he so changed? Why does he acts so cold?

"TaeTae" I whispered.
"Don't call me that for pete's sake" he said,"Call me V"

"V? Why? You never liked that name" I said looking up at him again.
"But now I do" he stated,"It describes me perfectly"
"Well V stands for many things..Like Victor, Victory, Violent, Vigorous" he leaned against my face and hissed," and Venomous"

I shuddered and he laughed.
"All my adjectives in one place" he said.
I had to get out of here and talk to someone who could answer my questions.

and only one name flashed in my mind.

I got up and said,"I beg a leave Taehyung, Take care. I'll visit you soon"
"Sure" he said in the way that indicated that he was himself eager to chuck me out.

I passed him a small smile which he didn't return. I don't know what came in my mind.

I leaned to his face and pecked his forehead. He was taken aback by my sudden touch but before he could come out of the shock.

I dashed outside the door and quickly closed it behind me.

I looked ahead at the half empty corridor and ran.

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