Chapter 1

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Our Little Secret...
Chapter 1

My head pounded as it hit the concrete gutter on the road. I could already feel my left eye beginning to swell up as well as my lip. My school bag was laying flat on the ground next to me with the zip fully opened. Pieces of loose paper escaped the inside and I watched them get swept by the wind, underneath the school bus.
Laughter surrounded me as my cheeks flushed a light shade of red. I pushed myself off the ground and settled on my feet.
A/N- Maybe next time you should watch where your going, Kayla.
He said laughing uncontrollably to the point where he couldn't speak full words.
K- Piss off Jonah.
I yelled back.
It was his foot that made his way behind mine and swooped me as I was stepping off the school bus.
Suddenly he stopped laughing and had a very serious look on his face.
Jo- What did you say to me?
He stepped forwards as he spoke.
A crowd of nosy students surrounded Jonah and I, along with 4 of his band mates.
K- I said, piss off. Are you so fucking stupid that you can't put two words together?
He stepped closer.
Jo- Say it again.
I rolled my eyes as he inched closer and closer to the point where we were within arms reach.
His hands pounced onto my shoulders as my body and head were slammed onto the side of the school bus, giving me a pretty bad concussion.
One of his band mates tried to step in before he was cut off.
A/N- Alright Jonah I think that's eno-
Jo- Shut it Corbyn, stay out of this.
From what I could see through my double vision, Jonahs face was full of rage, getting redder and redder by the second.
K- Let- Go!
I said, trying to sound confident, but really I was hurting all over.
He turned his head to the direction of my favourite teacher, Miss May. She was one of the only people I could trust in this school, my art teacher, and sometimes she comes over when my mum bails every now and again, leaving me with my dad who doesn't know how to make cereal let alone parenting. Art is my escape from this world. If I could, I would do it every second of every day, of every month, of every year, and that's what I'm hoping to achieve after I finish school.
Jonah slightly pulled me forwards before slamming me back on the bus and releasing his grip.
The crowd disappeared as Jonah backed off of me.
I held my finger to my face and wiped away the blood escaping from the slit in my lip.
Jo- Watch yourself, Kayla.
He scoffed before turning around and walking toward the entrance of the school, with his 4 band mates walking behind him.
One of them turned around and made direct eye contact with me. The tall blond one. Corbyn I think his name is. I stared back into his eyes with nothing but hate isolated in mine. His were different though. They were soft and gentle, almost as if he was guilty of something.
Before I could look any longer, he was turned around by a curly headed guy. Jack. That's his name.
My thoughts were interrupted by Miss May.
MM- Kayla are you okay?
K- Yeah I'm fin-
My vision became extremely blurry and I felt my knees buckle beneath me.
MM- Woah, woah, easy.
She caught me before I hit the ground.
MM- I think you need to go to the nurses office, I'll give you the first period off.
K- Thanks.
I said, trying to blink away the blurry vision...

•Yo, what did you think about this first chapter? A lot of people wanted a Corbyn based story so here it is!

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