Chapter 21

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Our Little Secret...
Chapter 21

(Jonah's POV)
The girls Zach and I were talking to were so fake. I honestly wanted to shoot myself. (sorry if I triggered anyone) All I could think about was what I had just done to Kayla. I looked down at my knuckles and saw a few spots of blood. That blood wasn't mine. I needed to wash it off before anyone could see.
Jo- Excuse me ladies, I need to take care of something. I backed out of the conversation and walked towards the stairs.
Z- Jonah bro where are you going?
Jo- I'll be back.
Z- No wait, don't go up—
Jo- Zach, I'll be back in a second.
Z- Wait!
I ignored him and jogged up the stairs.
Once I reached the top I noticed Kayla's door was slightly open.

(Zachs POV)
Z- Wait!
He was gone.
The rest of the guys had seen what just happened and we ran up the stairs, nearly tripping over one another.
Z- Which room?
Jack opened the first door to the left and it revealed a girl and a guy passionately kissed in the bathroom.
J- Jesus fucking Christ.
Slamming the door closed, Daniel checked the door to the right.
He screamed before quickly shutting the door.
Z- What was it?
He looked at me with fear in his eyes.
D- Let's just say there was a bed involved and clothes on the floor.
J- Awwwww, that's disgusting.
D- I'm scarred for life.
We walked towards the door at the very end of the corridor. The door was slightly open.
We were too late.

(Corbyns POV)
I stared into her eyes and she stared back.
This was the perfect moment.
She was thinking the same thing.
We both leant forward, inching closer and closer to each other.
The moment was ruined by the sound of a door opening.
Jo- Corbyn? What the hell are you doing here?
I flinched, as I pulled back.
Shit, I needed a good answer otherwise my chance of having a successful career is about to end.
C- Me? Jonah, why they hell is Kayla here? I thought you hated her? Wait, are you too dating? Why does she have a black eye? WHAT IS HAPPENING?
Phew, I think I played it cool.
This wasn't on me, it was on Jonah.
If I pretended I didn't know anything, Jonah would be the one having to explain everything.
Before Jonah could speak, the rest of the guys came barging into the room.
Jonah turned towards them and I held my hand to my neck, shaking it to signal the plan didn't work.
They knew what I meant and played along.
D- Kayla? What's she doing here Jonah? Is there something your not telling us.
Jo- I can explain—
Z- Oh my god she has a black eye. Have you kidnaped her?
J- Shit Jonah we could get in trouble—
He knew he had been defeated.
His voice became quite.
Jo- She lives here now.
J- You've been lying to us this whole time?
We've been beating her for no reason, you like her don't you?
D- Are you dating?
Jo- STOP, we are not dating, I hate her, but she's living with me because her father died this morning and now for some reason she lives here.
Z- Oh.
J- Why is she beaten?
Jo- I—ah—I—umm.
C- Jonah, why did you hurt her?
My voice slightly broke, to be honest, I wanted to cry.
Jo- I don't know.
D- What?
C- You don't know why you beat the shit out of her?
I stood up.
Z- Corbyn.
C- Why would you do this Jonah?
I stared to get angry.
Jo- Why do you care so much?
I stepped forward, but Kayla grabbed my hand.
I turned and looked down at her bruised face.
I could see in her eyes that she didn't want a fight.
I un-tensed by body and sat in front of her again.
She managed to give me a slight smile.
C- I care because what you are doing is wrong.
The room fell silent.
Jo- I know.
He whispered.
Jo- I'm sorry.
Without making a sound, he left the room, leaving all of us questioning what had just happened.
D- Did he just—
K- Apologise?

(Jonah's POV)
I felt the room, feeling the most guilt a person could ever feel. Although there was a massive party going on down stairs, I felt alone, now more than ever. I needed to be alone.
Before I knew it, I was yelling at the people below me.
Echoes of 'boos' and swear words surrounded the room.
?- Come on man.
?- This just got started.
?- Don't be an arsehole.
?- You suck.
?- Fuck you.
?- I wanted to get laid tonight.
?- I'm gunna puke.
Slowly, people exited through the front door and after 10 minutes everyone was out, except for Kayla and the guys. They still hadn't come down from her room.
I grabbed a garbage bag and started filling it with empty red plastic cups, pieces of half chewed pizza, soda bottles and pizza boxes.
The house was trashed.
I completely broke my grandmothers trust.
I half beat to death my first crush, and now my best friends probably hate me.
I went around my house, picking up garbage, thinking I should probably get in the bag, suffocate and die.
A hand reached out in front of the bag, starling me, and dropped a cup into the bag.
I looked to see who it was.
Jo- You should stay away from me.
K- Be great full we're helping.
'We're?' I thought.
The rest of the guys came around the corner with garbage bags of their own.
I gave a light smile as Zach threw a cup of punch at Jacks face, and Jack chased him around the kitchen table.
Corbyn and Daniel laughed as Zach fell over a slammed his head into a wall.
Kayla giggled a little.
It was kinda cute, not fake like those other girls.
Jo- Kayla?
I said, a little to sternly.
She looked at me in fear.
She probably thought I was going to hit her again.
I lowered my voice to a loud whisper.
Jo- I'm sorry.


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