Chapter 4

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Our Little Secret...
Chapter 4

A sharp pain pierced the middle of my forehead and my hand rose to my face, pressing down as if to try and relieve the ache. I slowly opened my eyes and was blinded by the light. A white roof was all that I could see. I closed my eyes pressed down on my head again before slowly sitting upright. I sighed once I had seen where I was. The nurses office, again. I tried getting off the bed but once I stood up the dizzyness returned and I had remembered why I was here.
Out of nowhere Corbyn appeared around the corner.
C- Woah woah woah, sit down don't walk around you might collapse again.
He walked over to me and eased me back onto the bed.
K- You? You were the one that found me?
He sat down on a chair that was opposite the bed.
C- Yep, your welcome by the way.
I looked into his eyes that drowned my thoughts in a sea of blue.
K- Why did you come back? And why did you help me?
He stood up and sat next to me on the bed, looking me straight in the eye.
C- I came back because I wanted to show Miss May my drawing so far and ask if it was good enough, but instead I found you , on the floor, passed out. I didn't know what to do so I picked you up and carried you here. The nurse said that you were here earlier today because of-
He stopped and looked down at the floor.
C- I'm sorry.
A confused look spread across my face.
K- Why?
C- I-
Jo- Corbyn there you are- what are you doing with her?!
Jonah entered the room and was mad, really mad.
C- Oh uhh I was just-
Jo- Get out, now!
Corbyn looked at me, almost in fear, stood up and left the room, leaving me and Jonah together.
He came towards me and I backed up against the wall.
Jo- Scared? You should be.
He said grinning.
He backed off and left the room just as the nurse entered.
N- You have a long day ahead of you. I've called your father but he's a work and can't collect you and your mother won't answer her phone.
K- No surprise there.
I said, mentally rolling my eyes.
N- Your staying here for the rest of the day. Sit tight, I'll bring you snacks and some lunch later.
K- Thankyou.
I said, before laying back and staring at the ceiling.

(Corbyns POV)
C- Oh uhh I was just-
Jo- Get out, now!
I looked at Kayla before walking out of the nurses office and into the school halls. Jonah followed a few seconds later and I was pinned up against the lockers.
Jo- I told you to never to talk to her unless your with me!
C- Bro I was just uh.. beating her up, yeah, beating her up. I pushed her over in Art class and Miss May sent me to the nurses office with her.
He loosened his grip on me.
Jo- Why would she send you with her?
C- No idea.
His lips turned into a smile.
Jo- Good job Corbs, I'm proud of you. I've already got her next beating planned out and you can be the first one to kick her in the stomach.
My heart dropped.
C- Oh aha, cool, I'm looking forward to it.
He fully released his grip on me and walked off down the halls.
I sighed as I rested my head against the lockers.
'I really don't want to hurt her.'
I thought.
But I have too.....

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