Chapter 19

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Our Little Secret
Chapter 19

(Jonah's POV)
I was actually kind of glad Kayla was now living with me. I wanted to rebuild our friendship, and maybe even become best friends again. I couldn't let anyone know that I wanted to become friends with her so every time someone from school was around us, I'd switch to hate mode.
Jo- Kayla?
I said with a stern voice.
Jo- What are you doing in here?
Julia stepped in.
Ju- Jonah, Kayla is going to be living with us until she is ready to move out.
Jo- What?
Ju- Her father got into a car accident and died this morning.
I looked at her.
She looked back.
I felt sorry for her, she has no one left. Now she knows how I feel. Maybe this is a bonding experience.
Jo- Oh I'm so sorry Kayla.
I walked over to her and have her a hug.
Jo- Don't worry.
I said into her shoulder.
Jo- You can stay here as long as you want, I'll take goooood care of you.
I actually meant that, I wanted to help her. She's probably going through a lot right now. Her dad was all she had.
I squeezed her a little because she felt distant, and I wanted to comfort her.
K- Ahhh!
I quickly let go.
Jo- Oh my god are you okay?
Ju- Oh I forgot to tell you, Kayla tripped over a rock and broke her rib, it's fixed now but it has to heal properly, she will be staying home for about 2 months until it's better.
'What?' I thought.
'Why would she lie?'
'Was she protecting me?'
Jo- You should have told me and I wouldn't have hugged you so tight.
I looked her dead in the eye.
Jo- People say I'm a good hugger.
She looked down at her feet, and I knew I had hurt her, even more than I already had.
Julia's phone interrupted the awkward silence.
I heard her talking to someone and she came back within a minute.
Ju- Jonah, your great Aunty Susan fell down a flight of stairs and broke her leg. I need to get to New Zealand right away, anything could happen at her old age. Do you mind if I leave for a couple of days?
Finally, Kayla and I can spend some time alone.
K- Your leaving?
Ju- Oh Kayla I'm sorry, my sister is very old and fragile, the doctors say she may not make in through her surgery. I'll have to leave for a few days but I'm sure you will be fine by yourself and, Jonah, you'll look after her won't you?
Jo- Yes grandma.
At that moment, I promised myself I wouldn't hurt her anymore.
My grandmother kissed me on the cheek.
Ju- I better start packing.
She walked into her bedroom and closed the door behind her.
I needed to act tough in front of Ally.
Jo- Why the hell are you in my house?
K- It's not like I want to be here, my parents wrote your parents names in their will, apparently they are supposed to be my guardians if something happened to mine-
As soon as she said my parents, something in me clicked.
She flinched as I yelled at her.
A- Back off.
Jo- What?
A- Back off!
I heard a door open.
Ju- Is everything okay here?
Jo- We're fine grandma don't worry.
Ally started whispering to Kayla, and they walked towards the door.
I watched as they hugged, and Ally left.
Now it was just me and Kayla.
K- I'm going to my room.
She walked past me and I felt the sudden urge to push her. Her body slammed into the stair railing and she winced in pain but didn't say anything. Instead, she kept walking and disappeared out of sight.

An hour passed and my Grandmother had left the house. I was bored so I decided to throw a party. I told Kayla to stay in her room and not come out. If my friends were to find out that the girl I 'hate' was living with me, they would judge me for the rest of my high school life. I was actually popular, and Kayla wasn't. I couldn't be seen with her. It would ruin my reputation.
The pizza delivery guy arrived at my door and I helped him unload all the pizzas.
One by one my friends started arriving.
I stood in a little group of a couple of guys from my grade. We were talking and laughing about stupid stuff when I saw movement from the top of then stairs.
Kayla had come out of her room.
Immediately I started to panic.
If one of my friends turned around, they would see her.
Jo- Excuse me guys, I need to check on something.
I left the group and jogged up the stairs.
Kayla had already ran into her room.
I didn't want to hurt her.
I opened her door and she stood in the middle of the room.
I turned my head to the direction of her wall. A photo of her and her parents hung in a pretty picture frame.
I dont even remember what my parents looked like.
Suddenly I was angry.
K- Jonah wait I ca—
I grabbed her arm and pushed her in the floor. Before I knew it, I kicked her in the head and neck.
Then the leg.
And finally one in her eye.
Jo- I told you not to come out! What part of that do you not understand!
She lay on the floor, unable to move, to speak, to breathe.
Jo- STAY HERE! Otherwise I'll come back and do even worse things.
I left the room before she could see the tears spilling out of my eyes.
I'd already broken the promise I made to myself.
Using the bottom of my shirt I dried my eyes and walked back down stairs.
About a hundred people had showed up and now it was looking like a real party.
Jack, Corbyn, Zach and Daniel had just walked through the door.
C- Hey bro.
Corbyn and I did our handshake.
Jo- Wassup
D- Dang, this is a lot of people.
Jo- I know right.
C- Wheres your bathroom? I just drank a litre of water.
Jo- Upstairs, first door to the left.
C- Thanks.
Z- Yo, look at those girls. Let's talk to them.
Zach grabbed my shirt and pulled me towards them...

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