Chapter 5

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Our Little Secret...
Chapter 5

(Corbyns POV)
Jo- Let's go over the plan one more time. Jack, you block the door, and Corbyn you kick her in the stomach. Got it?
My heart sank.
C- Got it.
Jack, Jonah, Daniel, Zach and I, all sat in Ally's homeroom, waiting for her and Kayla to arrive any moment now.
C- Wait, how do you even know that Kayla will come here?
Jo- Ally always walks home with Kayla once her Mum bails.
C- How do you know her Mum left?
Jo- It's kinda hard not to hear all the yelling and screaming when you live next door to them.
C- Oh. That explains it.

(Kayla's POV)
I was woken up from my peaceful nap in the nurses office by someone shaking me.
I opened my eyes to see Ally's face looking down at me. She looked worried, really worried.
A- What the hell happened?
I let out a sigh and sat upright.
K- Miss May asked me to lock up the Art room because she had to leave early. I was just about to, when I got extremely dizzy and all of a sudden I collapsed.
I woke up in this bed, and it was Corbyn that found me and carried me here.
A- Corbyn? Why would he be so nice to you?
K- That's the part I haven't figured out yet.
A- Somethings off with him, I don't know what but something is definitely off.
K- Hmm.
I glanced up at the clock and realised it was nearly time to go home.
K- Woah how long have I been asleep for?
N- 4 hours
The nurse said, coming around the corner with a fresh set of sheets for the bed.
N- Now off you go I have things to do.
I jumped off the bed and grabbed my backpack, slinging it around my shoulder.
K- Thankyou for letting me say here all day.
N- No worries, now shoo.
She said with a smile.
Ally and I walked out the door and into the halls.
A- Can you come with me to grab my bag?
K- Sure, wanna come back to my house? My mum has run off somewhere and my dad is working so I'm all alone tonight.
We stopped walking and she turned and grabbed my shoulders lightly.
A- She bailed again?
She whispered.
I looked at the ground and slowly nodded my head.
A- Awe.
Ally engulfed me in a warm hug that made me feel better.
A- You know I'm always here.
K- Yeah, I know.
We pulled back and continued walking until we reached Ally's homeroom door.
I peered through the door window and saw Corbyn and Jonah as well as the rest of their band members.
K- Ah I think I'll wait out here.
A- Good call, I'll be back in a second.
As Ally walked in and closed the door behind her, I got a really bad feeling that something was going to happen.
As I watched Ally grab her bag out of her locker I saw the guys look at her and then at me.
I quickly backed away out of sight but I was to late. They had already seen me. I starting running but they were approaching me, fast, and my dizzy spells were coming back.
I felt a pair of hands grab me around my waist, slightly lift me up and then slam me on the cold, hard floor.
K- What the fuck Jonah?
Jo- Jack block the door so her friend can't get out.
The curly headed boy leant against the door, trapping Ally inside her homeroom.
K- Let her out.
I yelled, still on the floor.
Jo- Ready Corbyn? You know what to do. Do it! NOW!
He walked up to me, with almost tears in his eyes.
He kicked me in the stomach, really hard.
Jonah laughed as I was wincing in pain.
C- I think once is eno-
He looked down at me.
C- I'm so sorry.
He whispered so only I could hear.
A tear rolled down his check as he kicked me again, but a little softer.
Jo- You call that a kick? Your so weak, watch me.
K- No Jonah stop- Aghhhhhh!!
It was like having a brick slammed into my stomach. I heard something crack and I was unable to move.
Tears spilled out of my eyes making little puddles on the floor.
The rest of the guys were giving Jonah high fives, whilst Corbyn was staring at me, guilt in his eyes.
The sound of a door opening made them flee as I watched their feet get smaller in the distance.
Jack had ran as well, freeing Ally.
She rushed to my side, pulling out her phone and calling 9-1-1.
The person that had opened the door was Miss May. She had just returned from her appointment.
MM- Kayla? Kayla! Oh my gosh what happened!
She rushed to my other side and cradled me in her arms.
I was unable to speak.
The pain was unbearable...

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