Chapter 44

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Our Little Secret...
Chapter 44

(Corbyns POV)
She gave me one last look before closing her eyes.
C- Kayla? Kayla! Kayla stay with me! Ahh!
I didn't care about the pain.
One of my hands finally managed to just slip out of the rope, causing the rope to fall into the puddle of blood behind me.
I looked at my wrists. Deep, wide slits were indented into my skin, blood gushing out, streaming down my arms.
I look up at Kayla, her face was completely blue, I couldn't tell if she was conscious or not.
C- Kayla I'm coming, it's alright, you are going to be okay.
I yelled, my lip quivering.
My legs were still tied to the chair and I used my half numb hands to pick at the knots and unwrap the thick rope, snaking around my feet.
I was in such a rush that I'd forgotten about the single strand of rope that tied my back to the chair. I went to stand up, but the chair came with me, making me fall over, my head slamming onto the concrete floor. I'm kinda glad Kayla didn't see it, I would have been extremely embarrassed. I looked up, my double vision making everything blurry, and in pairs. I blinked a few times, feeling my lashes tickle my under eyes. Everything felt like slow motion. The pain of my hands faded away and my double vision was gone. It was like I had taken some sort of drug, making me invincible.
I set my hands on the floor and pushed myself up, my eyes focused on Kayla. I rushed to her body. She was so high up that my head was at her feet. I didn't know how I was going to get her down.
C- Kayla? Kayla can you hear me?
I shook her foot.
No response.
My eyes scanned the back wall and fell upon the switch. I ran over to it and looked for any labels. Nothing. The switch was upwards so I'm guessing if I pull it down, Kayla will be lowered.
C- Worth a shot.
I whispered to myself.
I laid my hand on the red lever and pushed it down. The churning sound returned and I looked over at Kayla.
C- Shit!
Instead of lowering her, the rope lifted her higher, pulling her further away from the ground.
I flipped the switch back up and the churning sound stopped, along with the rope.
I was running out of time.
Kayla could already be dead.
I looked around the garage for something I could use to get her down. There was nothing on the walls or on the floor, except—
That was it.
That's how I was going to save her.
I ran to the chair that I was tied to and picked it up, blood running off it. I positioned it right next to Kayla. I placed both of my feet onto the seat, being careful not to slip on my own blood.
My head was now level with her stomach.
I slightly lifted up her shirt, carefully lifting out the gun that was half tucked into her pants.
I stepped down off the chair and opened the barrel of the gun.
C- You're a smart cookie.
I said, smiling.
It was fully loaded.
All I had to do was shoot the rope.
Easy, right?
What if I miss the rope completely and shoot her in the hand? Or what if the garage isn't sound proof and Matthew hears the shot of the gun? What if I hit the rope but don't catch Kayla in time, and she falls to the ground, breaking her neck or something? These thoughts filled my mind but I knew I needed to push away the doubt. She was definitely going to die if I didn't do this. I took a breath and held the gun right. One finger on the trigger with my other hand supporting the bottom. I closed one eye and lined up the shot as best I could. I needed to be steady, real steady. One wrong move and I could shoot her in the hand, or miss completely.
C- In—
My chest filled with air.
C- Out—
Carbon dioxide escaped through my nose.
C- In—
I could feel my heart rate slowing down.
C- Out—
My finger pushed down on the trigger, the gun jerking back. Everything happened in an instant. The bullet went directly through the rope and Kayla started falling.
I dropped the gun and held my arms out, breaking her fall. Immediately, I untied her hands, and rested them by her sides. Her rib cage wasn't stretching anymore.
C- Kayla? Kayla can you hear me?
No response.
I moved two of my fingers towards her neck, feeling her pulse. I expected to feel a light throb, but instead I felt nothing.
I wasn't the best at locating the exact spot for the pulse on the neck, so I moved to her wrist.
Again, I felt nothing.
C- No no no no!
I need to get oxygen into her lungs, and fast.
I think I read somewhere that 4 minutes without oxygen can give you permanent brain damage and in 10 minutes you're dead.
I hadn't been counting, but I'm pretty sure she had been unconscious for 2-3 minutes. I needed to save her, now.
As she lay in my arms, I use one of my hands to pinch her nose and tilt her head back.
I took a massive breath in and pressed my lips on hers, pushing out the air into her throat. I took another deep breath in and once again connected my lips with hers. This went on for 30 seconds before I pulled back and checked her face.
C- Kayla come on! Breathe!
I put my lips back on hers and gave her as much air as I could. I was about to pull back when her lips moved, interlocking them with mine. A wave of relief rushed over me as I kissed her.
We pulled back and I stared into her open eyes.
K- Not bad for a second kiss right?
I didn't say anything.
I wrapped my arms around her, resting my chin on her shoulder.
C- You scared me so bad.
I whispered, my voice breaking as a few tears slipped out of my eyes.
K- What happened?
She sniffled.
We broke the hug, looking into each other's eyes only, nothing could distract us.
C- Matthew went outside.
K- Jonah!
Kayla tried to leave my hold, but I carefully pulled her back.
C- You can't just go running out there.
K- Corbs, Jonah and my Mum could be dead right now.
C- And if you leave, you'll be dead too. I can't loose you again.
Her eyes glistened and she pouted her lip.
K- I'm sorry I got you into this.
C- Why didn't you tell me you were a spy?
I said, lowering my head.
K- What? What are you talking about?
C- Matthew told me everything. You, Jonah, Jonah's parents, your Mum, you're all spies.
K- No no, Jonah and I aren't spies, my mum and Jonah's parents are— were.
C- How come you never told me?
K- I only found out today, Mum showed up after I found out you were kidnaped.
C- Wait— so, you aren't a spy?
K- No.
C- You aren't working with Jonah?
K- No.
C- You aren't dating Jonah?
K- Hell no, are you crazy?
I laughed as she lightly punched my arm.
K- Oh Corbyn your hands!
She looked down at the bloody mess.
C- Oh sorry, I got it on your shirt.
K- Corbyn I don't give a shit about my shirt, we need to get you to a hospital.
C- I'll be fine, it's just a bit of blood.
K- Just a bit of blo— are you kidding me? That must hurt like hell.
C- I can handle it.
She gave me a sympathetic look.
K- Thankyou for saving me.
C- I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.
She looked into my eyes and we both leant forwards. I was about to push my lips on hers when the sound of a door opened..

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