Chapter 32

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Our Little Secret...
Chapter 32

(Corbyns POV)
I ran out of school and got into my car, checking my pockets for the keys.
A lump in my pants pocket indicated that they were there.
I reached in and pulled out 3 keys that were attached to each other on metal ring.
One of the keys was for my car.
One of them was a spare to my house, and the other was a spare to Jonahs house.
I was at his house so much, that Julia gave me a spare key just in case I needed  some place to sleep, or if Jonah lost his key, I would have a backup.
I felt around in my other pocket for my phone, but it wasn't there.
'Shit' I thought.
'I must have left it in my locker.'
I put the sliver key in the car, starting the ignition.
Without even looking behind me, I reversed out of my parking spot and drove onto the main road.
Jonah's house was only a 2 minute drive away, so I had a very little amount of time to practice what I was going to say to Kayla.
'Hey Kayla.'
'No, hi Kayla.'
Ugh, no.
'Kayla, I'm so sorry that I assumed that you and Jonah slept together.'
Is that too straight forward?
' Kayla, I know that it wasn't what it looked like and I'm sorry for making assumptions.'
'Kayla, I heard what happened last night, are you okay?'
That sounded better.
I would ask her if she was okay first and give her time to explain.
But wait, what if she doesn't even know I saw them together, I mean, how could she. I didn't leave any evid— oh.
Stupid Starbucks.
Before I knew it, I was driving down Jonah's street and pulled into his driveway.
I took the keys out of the car and opened the car door.
Out of the corner of my eye, I swear I saw something black moving in Kayla's broken window.
I got out of the car and closed the door behind me.
As I walked up towards the front door, my eyes were glued to her window, watching for any sign of movement.
I turned the door knob and tried to push the door open but it appeared to be locked.
'That's weird.' I thought.
'It wasn't locked when I left this morning.'
I pulled out my set of keys and held the gold one in my fingers, sliding it into the key hole
(you dirty minded people) and turning it, pushing the door open.
C- Hello?
I yelled.
C- Kayla? Jonah?
I looked around the living area but they were nowhere to be found.
C- Kayla?
I said, walking into the kitchen.
I noticed that one of the Starbucks drinks was half empty.
They'd been down here.
I checked the whole bottom floor before making my way up the stairs.
To be honest I didn't want to check Jonah's bedroom just in case they were in there, doing something that my young virgin eyes shouldn't be seeing.
The door was shut, but I knocked anyways.
C- Kayla? Are you in there.
No response.
C- Jonah?
This time I heard shuffling noises.
C- I'm coming in.
Oh boy this could end badly.
I closed one eye, turned the door handle and opened the door.
C- Kay— who the fuck are you?
A man who looked around 35-40 years old, dressed fully in black clothing complete with a ski mask, stood by Jonah's cupboards, throwing clothing on the ground and tipping over CD racks.
He looked startled when he saw me.
C- What?
C- Who?
I said, my voice slightly cracking.
The man walked up to me and I took a few steps back.
C- Spy? I don't know what your tal-
I was interrupted by the sound of glass shattering and loud thuds.
C- What was that? Who are you? Get out of here before I call the police!
The mans eyes moved to the side of my head and I felt breathing against my neck.
?- He has seen too much already.
C- Who are you talk—
Suddenly something kicked me at the back of my legs, causing me to drop down on my knees. Something was thrown over my head and I couldn't see anything. My hands were pulled to my back and tied up, and the guy had one foot pushing down on the back of my legs so I couldn't stand up.
The only thing I could hear was my rapid breathing and throbbing heart, I think I was having some sort of panic attack.
?- Take him down stairs.
?- Yes boss.
?- Have you found her yet?
?- No sir, we did find a shattered photo frame in the bedroom, the photo is still intact.
?- Give it to me.
Another males voice filled the room.
There was definitely more than one person in the house. This was a robbery. The second one in 24 hours.
?- Thats it. That's her, and that's her husband too.
?- Sir, who is the other girl in the photo.
?- Haven't you been listening? That's her daughter.
'Spy? Daughter? Husband? Photo?'
C- Don't you touch her!
?- The boy speaks, aww is she your precious little girlfriend? What's her name again? Tayla? Layla? Ayla? Oh that's right now I remember.
I could feel his head next to mine as he whispered in my ear the name that sent shivers down my spine.
?- Kayla.
I wanted to rip this guy's head off. I tried to pull my hands out, but the rope that was tying my hands together was too tight.
C- If you hurt her I swear to God—
?- Young love, how sweet.
He laughed and released his foot from my legs.
?- Tie him up downstairs, now!
Hands picked me up from the floor and guided me down the stairs.
I tried to break free but his grip was too tight.
Plus I couldn't see, so I don't know how that would have worked out.
We got to the last step and I was pushed down onto a chair.
?- Who's this idiot? I didn't see him walk in.
Another person, this time it was a girl.
?- Kayla's boyfriend I think, the boss told me to tie him up, he's already seen enough. Get the tape.
As the guy held me down, the girl wrapped layers and layers of what sounded like duct tape around me, tying my back, arms and legs to the chair.
?- Take the cloth off his face, I wanna see if he's cute or not.
The darkness turned into daylight and I closed my eyes as the light strained them
?- Damn Kayla's one lucky girl, you are very cute.
I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the light and a red headed girl came into my view.
She looked about my age, with light freckles, pale skin and bright red hair, slicked back into a ponytail.
?- He looks like a fag.
I turned my head to the side, and there stood the guy. He too looked about my age, with the same light freckles, pale skin and bright red hair, only this time, his hair was short and well groomed. Maybe they were twins.
(I swear this isn't riverdale, they don't look like Cheryl and Jason if that was what you were thinking.)
?- Whats dad doing?
The girl asked the guy.
?- Still looking for anything to do with her, and I told you, we aren't allowed to call him dad.
?- I'll call my dad whatever I want.
She snapped.
?- It's your head, not mine.
He said back.
C- What are you doing here? Who are you? What do you want with Kayla? Why am I tied up? How did you—
?- Oh shut up!
The girl ripped off a piece of duct tape with her teeth and stuck it over my mouth.
?- Thats better.
I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
?- There's nothing here! She's completely erased any trace of herself!
Now I could see the mans full face.
Oddly, he looked familiar.
?- Are you sure we have the right house?
The girl asked.
?- I'm positive, this is Emma's house. Kayla lives here so it has to be.
?- But there was another room, a boys room.
The girl said.
The man looked at me directly in the eyes.
?- You. Do you know who else lives here?
'Should I lie? Do I tell the truth? Would Jonah get hurt?'
A million questions were running through my mind.
I shook my head, indicating no.
?- If I find out you are lying. You're toast.
He threatened.
I hadn't realised, but the boy had disappeared into Julia's bedroom.
He returned with a poster. A poster I knew too well.
?- Look, it's him.
The boy said, pointing at the poster, and then at me.
It was one of our photo shoots as a band, Julia must have kept it on her wall.
?- Aha, your in a boyband hey?
The man said.
?- Thats soooo sexy.
The girl said, creeping me out.
?- Jack Avery, Zach Herron—
He was reading out the names at the bottom of the poster.
?- Corbyn Besson. That's you.
I nodded.
?- Daniel Seavey and Jonah—
Suddenly the mans face turned extremely pale.
?- What is it dad?
The girl asked.
?- Boss?
Said the boy.
No response.
The twins walked over to their dad and stared at the poster.
Now their faces had turned even whiter than they already were.
?- No.
The boy said.
?- It's can't be
Said the girl.
The man finally found the courage to speak.
?- He's supposed to be dead...I—I—I killed him.

This shit turned dark real quick.

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