Chapter 33

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Our Little Secret...
Chapter 33

(Kayla's POV)
A- Corbyn? He just left.
K- What! Why?
Z- He was going to see you.
K- Me?
Z- Yeah, he said that he'd made a huge mistake and then ran off.
A- Whats going on with you two, and don't say it's nothing because it definitely isn't.
I sighed before look at Jonah and then back at the rest of the group.
K- Okay, Okay, so last night once the robbers were arrested, I didn't want to sleep in my own bedroom because I was scared. Anyone could come through my window and I couldn't get to sleep.
A- Thats understandable.
K- So, I asked Jonah if I could sleep with him for the night, just so I was safe.
Jo- Nothing happened, but Corbyn came over and saw us together.
K- He must have thought that something—happened.
Jo- But it didn't.
K- And now he's probably so mad at me.
D- Wait so that's why Corbyn is so salty today? He walked in on you two sleeping together.
K- I guess.
D- Thats so stupid, he know that you would never do something like that, especially with Jonah.
Jo- Whats that supposed to mean?
Daniel went quiet and looked at Zach and Jack, giving them a nod.
J- Jonah, we aren't hurting Kayla for you anymore.
Z- It's not necessary, it wasn't her fault and you know it.
K- Here we go again. What wasn't my fault.
D- You need to tell her.
Jo- She already knows.
K- Knows what?
Jo- Everything! You know everything, you just won't admit it!
K- I don't know what your talking about!
Everyone in the hallway was no staring at us.
Jonah noticed and turned towards them.
Jo- What are you all looking at!
Pretty much the whole school was scared of Jonah, so they went back to doing what they were supposed to be doing.
He sighed before focusing back on us.
Z- Jonah, I don't think she knows.
Jo- You seriously can't remember anything?
K- About what?
Jo- Me. You don't remember us?
K- Us?
Jo- The time we spent together?
Suddenly my phone started ringing.
I pulled it out and looked at the name.
A- Is it Corbyn?
K- I don't know, it says No caller ID.
Z- Answer it.
J- Seriously Zach? If we were in a horror movie, you'd be the first to die.
I slid my finger across the answer button and held the phone to my ear.
K- Hello?
I said with a light tone.
?- Hello Miss Williams?
K- Yes this is Kayla.
?- Kayla this is the LAPD.
K- Oh uh is this about last night?
?- Yes and no
Zach was eager to know who was on the other end of the line.
Z- Who is it?
He whispered.
I put my finger up, signalling for him to be quiet.
?- The two men that broke into Mrs Roth Franchises house last night are apart of some sort of gang or something, and we have a reason to believe that you, your family and friends may be in serious danger.
K- Danger? Why?
?- As apart of the law, we allow one phone call to each citizen being arrested. These calls are monitored by police staff higher than my line of work. One of the men that were arrested last night used his phone call this morning, approximately 24 minutes ago. According to my boss, the man was using some sort of code to talk to the person on the other end. The message clearly did not want to be heard by us policemen. This raised suspicion and was flagged. A translator was brought in and within a few minutes, the code was broken.
My eyes widened as I listened to every word this guy said, getting a weird feeling in my stomach.
K- What did the code translate too?
?- I need you to listen very carefully. Hide yourself and stay out of your house.
K- I understand, please tell me what's going on.
?- Are you sure you are safe?
K- Yes! Please, what's happening?
?- I will read out his message;
" It's confirmed, the girl is there, except there is no sign of the spy. I only have a few minutes, but the address is still the same. Take the girl and anyone she seems to care about, we can use them to get to the spy and end her once and for all. I'm doing this for you, my friend. Don't let this all be for nothing, I have 1 year of jail time. I'm going to miss my daughters first steps because of you. Make this count."
The line went silent.
?- Kayla? Are you okay.
K- Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, thankyou officer.
I hung up the phone and looked at my friends.
I could see their mouths moving but I couldn't hear anything. Their faces became blurred and I felt my knees buckle.
Daniel caught me before I hit the ground and snapped me out of my episode.
D- Kayla are you okay? Who was it?
My mind was still processing everything.
Someone was after me and— a spy?
Was that code word for a person? An object?
I was so confused.
Z- Kayla? Kayla!
Their voices became clear again.
A- Kayla who was it?
I took a moment before responding.
K- The LAPD.
Jo- What? What do they want?
K- I'm in danger.
Something in my brain clicked and I was sent into immediate panic mode.
D- What?
J- Uhh your house.
My chest pumped up and down, I was breathing heavily out of my mouth, and tears filled my eyes.
I began running towards the school entrance, but someone grabbed my hand and turned me around.
Jo- Kayla, breath okay? Calm down and tell us what's going on, we can't help if we don't know what's happening.
K- T-there c—cccoming back.
I managed to say in between gasps.
Jo- Who? Who are coming back?
K- The robbers, they weren't robbers, they were looking for someone or something and they are going to hurt Corbyn if we don't stop them.
Jo- Why would they hurt Corbyn?
K- Because he's important to me! I need him, we can't let them hurt him.
A- Who are the people?
K- I don't know, the officer said they were like some sort of gang.
D- What are they looking for?
K- I think he said— a spy.
J- A spy?
K- It doesn't make any sense.
Zach pulled out his phone, hit a few buttons and put it to his ear.
Z- Come on Corbyn, pick up.
A few seconds passed.
Z- Damn it!
K- Come on, we need to go.
D- But what about school? Second period is about to start.
K- Does it look like a give a fuck about school? This is Corbyn we are talking about! Your best friend!
D- You're right, come on.
We all ran out of school and to Jonah's car that had been parked at school overnight.
K- Do you have the keys?
Jo- Uhhhh, no.
K- Are you serious?
Jo- Wait—
He stuck his hand under the car and pulled something from the bottom.
Jo- Bingo, I always keep a spare under the car.
A- Thank God, he's smart for once.
Jonah unlocked the car and the 6 of us squeezed in, practically sitting on top of each other, not worrying about seatbelts.
Jonah started the car and sped off down the road.
Usually it's around a 4 minute drive from our house to school, but we ran a few red lights and made it within 2 minutes.
Hardly letting the car fully stop, I jumped out and ran to the front door.
Corbyns car was in the driveway, there was still hope.
I busted through the door to find our house completely trashed.
Laying in the middle of the floor was a note and a poster of the band.
On the poster Corbyns eyes were crossed out with a red marker.
Tears filled my eyes as I read the note.
K- He's gone...

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