Chapter 5

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I sobbed on Cassie's lap as she caressed my hair. "Shh," she whispered. I hiccupped and continued to cry. Venus wiped my nose and rubbed my back. "It's gonna be okay,' she said. "No it's not," I cried. "I don't have Jaden anymore." "Aww," Cassie cooed. I sneezed and stuffed my face with ice cream as I watched The Young and the Restless.

It has been a month since me and Jaden had our fight and I was still shook up. Willow had offered for me to come over numerous times, but I turned down the offer everytime. I didn't want to face Jaden. I have been in my room every since that day and haven't seen sunlight in since forever. My mom and dad tried to get me outside, but I fought them with all my might.Venus and Cassie kept calling, but I never answered. They finally dropped by; saw me like this and have been staying the night at my house for the past week.

"Stop eating this junk food," Venus said; snatching the ice cream tube away from me. "Yeah and no more sobby dramatic shows," Cassie added. I groaned. "You need to get out," Cassie adviced. "I don't want to,' I said. "Ugh, Harmony just because Jaden and you have fallen out doesn't mean that you have to stop living. You need some fresh air and some fun," Cassie said. Venus nodded. "Listen, we know you're hurting bad, but the more you think about it and sulk in your room for weeks, the more pain you feel and the less you do something about it," Venus said. I looked at her. She was right. I couldn't be sitting in my room all the time wishing the fight never happened when I know it did.

I sat up and hugged my best friends. "Thanks for the motivation," I chirped. "No problem,' Cassie said. "We love you, girl." I hopped out of the bed and quickly took a shower and brushed my teeth. I decided I wanted to wear some grey, glittery skinny jeans, my navy blazer with the glittery lining,a grey tank top, some big, black, specs, and my navy and white converses. I decided on my silver studs and a yolo necklace. I curled my hair, which was still red from the day in Paris.

"Wow, our girls back on her feet," Venus cheered. I laughed. "There's a new teen club in downtown and we should go check it out," Venus said. "Well, lets go," Cassie said."I hope their are some cute boys there!" Venus and I giggled as we left my room.


We entered the teen club. It was pretty packed. Teenagers were dancing around and chilling in the lounge drinking smoothies. "Lets dance," Venus said grabbing Cassie and I pulling us on the crowded dance floor. I danced with them and laughed along with them as we joked around. It felt so good to be out of the house. A few boys tried to talk to us, but we turned them down, except Cassie. She collected their numbers as we headed over to a lounge.

We chatted for a bit until three boys came over and asked us if we wanted to dance. We agreed and joined them. We laughed our heads off with the boys and danced the night away. It was pretty hot in the club, so I took off my blazer. I waved my glow sticksown the air along with others. It looked like a raid and I was having so much fun.I danced with the boy and laughed with Venus and Cassie as they gave me a thumbs up. I was letting loose and was feeling great.

After a while, Girlsstarted to scream and form a crowd around the door. "I can't see," I complained as I tried to see what all the commotion was. I hopped onto a table and tried to see what was going on. The table was really tall, but I still couldn't see the persons face, except their snapback. "Ugh, imma just push through the crowd," I said as I slid down off the table.

"Excuse me,' I said as I pushed through the crowd. I snaked my way past people until I was face to face with the superstar. "Hey Harmz," he said with a shy grin. I froze. "Um......hey Jaden," I said. "How have you been," I asked. "Pretty good, got a girlfriend now," Jaden said. I nodded. Why would he tell me that? "I'm so happy for you," I said. But deep down inside I was in pain. "How has life been going for you," Jaden asked. "Pretty nice," I lied. "Great," Jaden said. "Yeah," I said. "Well, I guess I'll see you around." "Yeah," Jaden said. I walked away, but Jaden called my name. I turned around. "The fam wanted to know if you would like to attend our family vacation to Lake Michigan," Jaden asked. "Of course, but I'll have to ask my mom," I said. "Okay, well text Willow if you can come," Jaden reminded. "Okay, will do," I said. I then walked away. Tears erupting from my eyes.

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