Chapter 9

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Harmony's Pov:

The morning sun peaked through the windows and onto my face. My eyelashes fluttered open and rainbow dots formed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. It was warm and cozy in my room, almost sending me back into my sleeping spell. I threw my covers off of me and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. The hot water splashed onto me and the steam captured me. After twenty minutes, I hopped out of the shower and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went through the box with my uniforms and pulled out my white long sleeve oxford shirt and my blue and white plaid skirt that reached my mid thigh. I threw it on and decided to wear my silver sandals. I put on my necklace and put in my diamond earrings.

The smell of bacon and eggs lingered into my room and made my mouth water. I grabbed my outerwear and satchel and skipped downstairs. Dad was setting a plate of food in front of mom, but it was just eggs covered in whipped cream and toast with a piece of lettuce on it with a sprinkle of cinnamon. I almost vomited on the clean wood floors. I took a seat at the table. Dad passed me a plate of eggs and bacon. I thanked him and chowed down on the delicious masterpiece my dad had presented.

" Do you want us to drive you to school or you just wanna walk," dad asked. I pondered for a bit. " I think I want to walk, take a look around," I said. " Okay, do you know where Léman is located," mom asked. I nodded. " I saw it on our way to the house," I said. " Fine, but please be safe," mom pleaded. " I will," I said. "Also, who spray painted a picture of you on the fence in the backyard," mom asked; sipping her coffee. "My friends Anthony and Marcus, they spray paint good things, not foolishness," I said. " Oh so you made new friends," mom cooed. I nodded. The doorbell rung and echoed through the house. " I'll get it," I said. I opened the front door and to my surprise, Anthony and Marcus were standing before me.

" What's up guys," I cheered. " We came to take you to school," Anthony said. " Oh, okay, let me tell my parents that I'm leaving," I said. I left once they nodded. " I'm leaving now, Later Tators," I said as I kissed them both on their cheeks. " Later, bye sweetie," mom called. " So, where is our ride," I asked the boys when we made it outside. " Right here," Anthony said. He pointed to two bikes. " It's three of us, but only two bikes," I pointed out. " No duh Sherlock, you have to ride on my handlebars," Anthony said. " Fine," I said. Anthony sat on the seat and I climbed onto the bike. Soon, we were on our way to school.

When we got there, students were flooding inside in with their friends. I got off the handlebars and we headed inside. The school was so clean and just seemed so friendly and nice. As we walked down the hall, nobody stared at me as if I was weird, so that made me feel better. Marcus handed me a packet and I opened it. All my information of who my home room teacher was, my locker number and combination, and my schedule. "How did you get this," I asked. " I do community service in the office," Marcus confessed. " Oh,thanks," I said.

We then turned down a hall, then went through a door, then traveled down another hall until we came to a door labeled SGA. " Where are we going," I asked. " This is SGA," Anthony said. " It's free for almost alone to join." We then entered the room. " Harmz," a familiar voice whispered. I looked up and looked straight at Willow. I gasped. " Willow," I shrieked. She smiled. " That's me," she said. I laughed and we rushed to hug each other. Tears started to collect and I couldn't help but cry. Willow sniffles as we pulled away. I wiped the corner of my eyes. " I missed you so much," Willow said. " I missed you, too," I croaked. " Y'all kow each other," Marcus asked. Willow nodded. " We're best friends," she said. " Wow," Anthony said. " Anyways, Harmz these are our friends." Anthony introduced me to three teenagers, Quincy, Melanie, And Tasha. They all welcomed me and I was honored. Then, I remembered that if Willow was here, Jaden had to be here also.

I tried to stay calm and not panick as I started to hypervinilate, but Willow could notice. " Harmony, you okay," she asked. I shook my head. "W-Willow i-is Jaden here," I studdered. Willow stared at me with sorrowful eyes. " Um, yes," she said. Just then, Jaden stepped into the room, along with Toya. " What's up-," Jaden started. He looked straight at me and all the color drained from his face. I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying my hardest not to cry. "Harmony," Jaden mumbled; stepping forward. I just looked straight ahead; my foot tapping hard along the tile floors of the room. Jaden grabbed my arm. " Harmony, I'm sorry," he said. I swiftly spun around and smacked him across the face; tears leaking. " Don't ever say that to me again," I snapped. Willow tried to pull me away, but I shrugged her off. Jaden held onto his cheek as he tried to stand up. " Don't you ever touch me again," I snapped; pointing my finger in his face. I then rushed out into the hall.

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