percy jackson

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Please dont be mean this is my first ever story and I will probably have alot of mistakes so plzz just point them out so can fix them I hope u all enjoy it :-)

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1 month after war with gaea: no ones pov

Percy had just gotten back from a quest when he saw Malcolm leaving the athena cabin percy called to Malcolm.

percys pov:

I called to malcom but I saw his face contort in terror before he quickly walked back in to the Athena cabin. I walked over and knocked on the door. I waited for moment before knocking again the door finally opened revealing a scared looking Malcolm.

"Hey malcom is annabeth around?" I said slowly pondering what he was afraid of.

Malcolm took a moment to work up the courage to say something "percy... annebeth dead she died helping a new camper into camp" he said cowering in fear of what percy might do or how he would act.

"how Did she die malcolm tell me everything!?" I said with sadness and heartbreak. malcolm looked relatively relieved I wasent flipping my shit and flooding the whole east coast.

"percy....she died taking a sword to the heart apollo did all he could she just lost the will to continue hades informed us she went straight to Elysium" malcolm said as tears streamed down his face.

"thank you Malcolm ill see you later I guess." I said softly my heart had been shattered. I walked straight to my cabin and plopped down on my bed contemplating what to do next. so I decided to leave so I won't remember the happy things in this place so I went and packed some nectar, ambrosia some mortal money a few pairs old clothes. I set off for the half-blood hill and placed my hand on thalias tree getting one last look at half blood hill and set off.

artemis pov:

the hunt and I were camped a tates hell state forest In florida tracking down a drakon who was killing mortals. when I suddenely heard a scream and rushed out of my tent to find the minotuar and a couple a couple dracnea, 3 drakons in battle with my hunters when a voice yell "ENOUGH!!" stopping my hunters and the monsters in mid battle and I looked around to see a man who looked 6'5 6'6 with midback length black hair and it looked like he had medical gaus wrapped around most of his torso and his neck and mouth and a long skirt type thing and he wore no shoes but I could feel the power coming of him continuously his his irises were red then I saw something move in the background and then pure black wings spread to atleast 20 foot in wingspan(itchigos final gestuga with wings from bleach). "minotaur what did I tell you about coming bock to this place I have warned u already to leave this place becouse I will not allow u to harm Lady Artemis or her hunters on my land leave now or die!" he said but the minotaur looked at him and was about to charge the man but he turned to golden dust and the man was across the field his arms crossed looking at the monsters daring them to try and they just ran away he looked to me and and walked over and bowed respectfully

"lady artemis are your hunters ok do they need medical attention" he said with pure respect after I waved him up

"no but who are you tell me or ill turn you into a jackalope!" I said and he flinched

"my name is percy jackson" he said as he slid the gaus or tape off his mouth then suddenly a lightning bolt hit him and sent him flying a good 20 feet and he sat up as he did thalia came out of no where and crushed him in a bear hug and yelled "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!!"


sorry that chapter sucked its my first one and please dont hate it im new tell what you think

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