so much crying, and a small amount of pertemis! ;)

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(Percys pov)

I sighed to myself as i walked out of apollos palace thinking to myself why would she ask something like that? What did she mean it by did it mean anything? I sighed louder walking down the street my hair straightend itself and my clothes changed into a black tanktop that said 'ill kill you my king, if you leave a single opening. Ill kill you!' And  my pants changed to pure white skinnys with cool designs of gold lining and my shoes turned to a pair of combat boots, one white with black swirls like waves, the other black with white flame designs and i wistled feeling like a boss in my clothes as i walked to the edge of olympus and thought time to go check on my mom... i leaped of the edge diver style falling fast a fe hundred yards away from the ground i summoned my wings, i saw one was pure white angelic wing, the other was black feathers a few white feathers still there on the wing i dissmissed it like i have with all the other shit thats been going on and i swiftly corrected my course hitting the sound barrier as i flew full speed to my mothers house, and car windows shattered as i flew past dodging light poles powerlines and buildings, when i reached the new apartment she had bought on 73rd street i pulled my wings back into my body my tank repairing itself as i landed doing a roll and a couple flips toward the building and skidded to a stop panting hard "man, flying takes alot out of ya" i wipped my shirt and skinnys off as i walked toward my moms apartment building, reaching the front door and buzzed the door to her room which immeadiatly opened the front door and i walked to her floor the apartment building was well funded lush carpets paintin, furnature, and so much more decorated the lobby as i walked up to her new apartment and knocked waiting silently when the door was flung open a small woman flying at me with so much force it sent me into the hall way wall behind me the woman hugged me with so much force that tyson, and braires would be proud of, i simply grunted and hugged the small woman back tightly as loud sobs of joy and she yelled into my chest "i missed you perseus!"

"I missed you too mom" I sighed happily hugging my mother back tight the sent of the sea hit me and i saw poseidon smile brightly from the door way and i smiled at him heafting my mother up in my arms as she sobbed into my chest and i needed poseidons help to get sally off of me, we pried her off of me slowly and poseidon set her on the couch and hugged her "hey dad" i said rubbing everywhere sallys super hug had reached

Poseidon replyed with a smile "hello son, obviously she missed you even though you had made sure she knew where you were every day since you left..." he looked slightly hurt but i put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed sitting next to poseidon and my sobbing mom who was no crushing poseidon in a hug unable to talk

"Im sorry dad, i just needed time, she is the only person i knew wouldent come find me and i couldent hurt her like that imagine what she would do if i just dissapeared without a word to her" i looked to my now teary mother who was looking at me  her sobbing stopped wiping he makup and tear dripping face

"But we missed you percy, paul missed you too" she sniffled wiping her nose clinging to poseidons arm

"Where is paul anyway?" I said eyebrow raised

"Hes on a trip to russia, to explore chernoble"  sally stood and walked to the bathroom water from the sink was heard as she cleaned the makup of leaving me and my dad alone to talk

" how is atlantis, amphridite, and triton.....woops almost forgot tyson and brairies?" I smiled warmly at him

"Atlantis is in its best shape since the war with kronos. Amphrodite and triton are good, tyson has missed you, brairies has brought us back to how weapons used to be made, he fixed my trident it now has alot. More control over waves and earthquakes and, can freeze water at will" he grinned widly his trident appeared in his hand it was covered in swirls and cracks symbolizing waves and crack in the earth, the tips were covered in frost

Percy Jackson. (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now