ugh this stank pernico is dead....FUCKING SON OF APOLLO :''''''(

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So as i sat there watching the little shit who broke my nose....let me tell ya it hurt like hell, hes got one good arm my nose is so crooked i know i won't be as good looking as before. He groaned softly as he woke his eyes opening as he stared at my bloody face "take a picture last longer neeks" i then again noticed my mistake to late my face paled i was in the vampires lair..." im dead" i squeeked like a little girl just as his sword impaled the spot next to my head and fell out of my chair landing on my face.....damaging my fucking NOSE even more i lay like a triangle pointing up my face and knees on the ground suddenly i heard the most adorably cute sound ive ever heard, nico the son of Hades giggling girlishly I turned my head looking at his bright red face as he giggles..its quite mesmerising accually i stood quickly and glared needles my nose bleeding even worse then before and i grumbled out "little basterd"

He slowly stopped his little giggle fit "perce..your so stupid" he sighs facepalming "id fix your nose if i were you or im sure even Artemis wouldent wanna look at you" he grins

I immideatly went pale "h-how....d-d-do you know about that?" i stuttered and gulped

He grins widly "son of hades i like to watch you." He pales like me

"W-wait what!?" I stare sheepishly blushing a little

He blushes a deep crimson red I "n-nothing.....forget it please..." he pleads

I gulp nodding slowly "on other back" i say slowly knowing its not new new to him

He nods slowly "y-yay" he turns hiding his face

I slowly walk up "n-neeks you ok?" I say putting a hand on his back

He says and does nothing as i grab his chin pulling it toward me only to see fresh tears "woah whats wrong bud!?" I ask concerned

He bites his lip keeping his eyes away from me

"Neeks you can tell me anything i swear" i say looking directly into his eyes wanting the truth

He gulps "i-i...." he looks down holding tears from falling

"Come on nico, you can tell me" i said softly i see only now why annabeth called me clueless

Next thing i knew i was on the floor his body ontop of mine his lip on mine he was kissing me and i was to shocked to do anything so i just lay there staring at him as he kissed me untill finally he parted our lips a major blush on my face his face just as red as we sat there for maybe one to two minutes untill i bit my lip and leaned back up pressing our lips together once more kissing him.....yes kissing him i was suprised too but hey i had to admit he was artemis...shit!! I broke the kiss pushing him off genty as i sat up my head rushing with question nico just sat against his bed so confused like me

I suddenly gasp softly my words merly a wisper "no way..."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2015 ⏰

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