i meet....myself?

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(Percys pov)

As i sat there regaining my breath after apollo punched me i thought of something and i sat indian style on the bed next to me and closed my eyes and began meditating, after a few minutes i was back in that dream world but the ocean was clear of animals and it was un frozen but i made sure i could walk on it, i looked around the original cracks of white now vertical lines like a circit board the black is now the same, i felt the water it was weird, it felt as if a wild animal lived in every inch of that water, i checked how deep the water is, it was unending. I began walking the water like glass under my feet and i saw a white flash next to me but when i looked i saw nothing i sighed but was suddenly send flying by a punch to my face i flew a good 100 yards and i groaned looking to where i was hit...what i saw scared me. That same man from before...me. stood there mask on his face and he suddenly appeared next to me and i tryed to move but the water wrapped around my arms and legs, i couldent control it, i stared up at the man silently showing no fear(i was close to shitting myself) "w-who are you?" He chuckled evily "i am nobody, i have no name" i stared at him as he removed his mask his face showed obvious insanity and his eyes, full black with golden iris's i literally felt my body twitch in his preasence "what are you?"*i tryed standing again but failed "hmm well, im your "animal instinct"  your insanity, and well, im your real self, the one who you are internally afraid of, you created me so long ago, i was asleep to long to see you havent remembered yet. Tsk, tsk" he chuckled to himself as he pulled out a white samurai sword i flinched and the water let go as i stood he said "here this is yours kid" the sword turnedblack and he tossed it to me the chain began wrapping around my arm and i looked freaked i felt the sword appear on my lap in the real world to i sighed in releif "what did you mean by "asleep to long" and "created me so long ago"?" I looked at him exspecting an answer but he snapped my heal lurching and i woke up my eyes shooting open that same sword in my lap i stood and inspected the sword it said 'hekaton the ripper' on the side the blade was strong i swing it a few time and it felt natural, i found a sheath on my side and i sheathed it slowly and began walking toward the waiting room.

(Artemis pov)

I was waiting for percy when he walked out of the hall and he smiled at me and i shyly smiled back and stood looking at the sword at his waist but i dident quiestion it "hey percy"

"Hey artemis" he smirked that infamous smirk that would make your heart melt and think he was about to prank someone

"How are you feeling?" I said looking at his shirt wich said i will destroy you my king, i looked confused and he must have noticed

"Im good, better even.....what is it my shirt i dont know what it means either...."he chuckled slightly

"Oh...ok" i dicided to go ahead and ask so i did "that kiss before all this happend...w-was it really an accident?" I looked down mentally scolding myself

"O-oh...um.......i geuss so" he looked nervouse rubbing the back of his neck keeping his eyes everywhere but on me

"Oh, good" i felt like an idiot so i changed the subject "have you seen your dad latly?"

"No, not really just when i had my little accident" he yawned a little

"Well you should hes pretty mad for some reason..." i said quitly

"Ok ill make sure i do, ill see you later" he walked out of the palace swiftly

I sat down on the couch and sighed as i though about why i get these feelings around him....

A/n: *facepalms* this chapter was such shit

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