To olympus the hard way

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hi guys sorry i was busy with work and stuff sorry please dont kill me

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(percy's pov)

i woke up at 5 a.m and started packing i just mean snapping my fingers and my small camp gets sent to a small pocket dimension i found and that i can enter whenever i want. with that i took the small hike to the hunters camp and as i reached the edge i noticed the hunters just starting to pack up so i sat down and out of there way as i felt artemis flash in next to me* "hello lady artemis" *i look up at her 18 yearold form and started drooling again only to be slapped by artemis*

"dont drool boy its nasty"*wipes her hand on the grass as she sits next to me*

*rubs my red cheek*"sorry my lady"*looks over at her as a nice breeze blows her hair slightly and the morning sun shines on her perfect skin*

"just dont do it again"*she looks at me and i look away quickly*

"my lady when will the girls be done packing up"*i looks back at her only to notice she is looking at my torso*"my lady?"*snaps my fingers in her face*

*she quickly looks away*"sorry percy um about and hour"

"ok my lady"*looks away then notices something.....did she just call me percy!?!?*"um my lady would you like to go to this nice little creek not even 5 minutes away to swim while we wait?"*stands up looking down at her*

"um sure percy and can you quit with the my lady and stuff no formalitys"*she stands up and looks up at me and i see her eyes flash bright alittle*

"no problem artemis"*starts walking to the north as she rushes to stay with my long strides*

"so percy um do you mind if i ask a question"*she looks up at me as i look down at her*

"yeah sure shoot away"*i said eyebrow raised*

"have you gotten over annabeth"*she looked curious as hell so i couldent say nothing*

*looks down but keeps walking*"yes i have but i will probably never date again as im afraid to loose them"*we reach the creek and i take off my gym shorts and im wearing a bathing suit unxder it and i start to walk in and look back at her*

*she bit her lip as a cloud of pink smoke covered her body and then cleared away and my jaw was practicly in china and i probably has a nose bleed like those anime characters(mostly blackstar from souleater) she was perfect her nice but perky dd breasts only beaing held by a small and skimpy bikini top that was silver and her beutiful and strong legs and her beutiful hourglass stature was completly visable and if i wasent the son of posiedon i would have drowned in the water as i fell face first and basicly died on the spot from her beuty*

(artemis pov)

*when i saw him fall face first i thought he had litteraly died but i dident know from what then i looked down and froze in shock then suddenly snapped putting a larger top on me and some better botoms and i ran in and grabbed percyand drug him out of the water*"percy?? percy???"*so i slapped him hard and he shot up like a rocket but the bad thing was i was right ontop of him as his lips colided with mine and we both stopped frozen in place our lips still connected as i slowly closed my eyes as did he and i slowly started moving my lips with his when i felt him stop and fall back screaming in pain as an arrow went straight through him as he fell back on it*

(percys pov)

all i remember wat feeling some pain on my face and shooting up but i felt something soft and nice connect with my lips as i opened my eyes and i saw artemis but i just froze as did she when she closed her eyes and so did i as i began kissing her with passion when i was notified by my body through a searing pain that something not natural has been inserted into my body i fell back screaming in pain as the arrow was forced through my side and out the other side by me falling on it*


i looked up and saw phobe with another arrow notched and ready to shoot so it stepped infront of her target*"stand down phobe!" *slowly phobe did as she was told by scowled as she did and i kneeled next to percy and looked at his wound that was bleeding rapidly so i did the only logical thing....i called my idiot brother*"APOLLO!"

*apollo flashed in a few feet away*"whats happening little......ohh thats happening"*he just noticed the guy with an arrow in him and looked at me and kneeled next to me*

"do something idiot!"*slaps apollo slightly*

*he looked at percy then pulled the arrow out and quickly started casting a healing spell which closed the wound but he looked at me*"im going to take him to my palace he lost alot of blood so ill have to keep him for a day or two depending on how he heals.....who is this guy anyway?"

"its percy"*i looked to my brother as his eyes widend and he looked at percy*

"ok sis im gonna take him now"*apollo flashed away with the unconcious percy and i looked to phobe and glared and went back to camp as they were ready to get flashed to camp*

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sorry guys i bet this chapter sucked :( im just starting school and im like tired from work and i couldent think so im sorry if this chapter does suck

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