herpa derp

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(Percy pov)

As i woke up in the morning i had a weird feeling but i shrugged it off, no one would dare do something in my mothers apartment....she will wreck em with my baby picture....yes i was that ugly as a baby :(. So with that i stood stretching looking around the apartment. It was deserted no sigh of my mom or anyone else so i sighed knowing i had to go back to camp soon anyway. I shot out the apartment buildings window flying at about half the sound barrier as to not get to camp to fast i was about  a mile away when i felt tired to i landed in a tree and snacked on nectar and ambrosia. Soon i was flying again this time slower trying to conserve my energy thinking to myself as i flew through the sky that i need to work on my endurence, i reach camp silently landing with a small thump and deciding to leave them be as i walk i see the campers old and new some i remember, clarrise was still here it seemed luckally no one recognized me i smile as some wave  i see someone i could never forget my dear old pal leo but i did not exspect to see the baby in his hands instead of a metal autometon or little project i sighed old memoried flashing before my eyes i remembered the days swimming in the lake or going to train i missed those days i smiled as i walked into the posiedon cabin looking around everything was how i left it dirty cluttered and awesome especially with the minotaur horn up on the wall i yawn softly laying down on my old bunk the floor was covered in old wrappers moldy clothes on the floor....man i need to remember to clean better from now on. I spent my afternoon in the cabin cleaning up the nasty ness of me i felt amazing being back here i look out a window and nearly jumped out of my skin i saw the athena perthenos i almost fainted my heart raced. How in the hell did i forget nico brought that here? I dont know....shows how dumb i am i go into the bathroom and yawn taking my clothes of to take a shower  and i get cleaned up as i step out i will myself dry  and ichange into a ffresh pair of clothes from camp and i stare at myself in the mirror...i need a hair cut....i grab sciccors and begin cutting my hair so its short enough to cover my forhead and i grin cheekily at myself "oh what a handsome some bitch i am" i walk out the doot really wanting to go say hey to nico as soon as i get to the hades cabin geuss who litterally falls into my lap...deathboy himself i was scared shitless to say the least, the kid was like the younger me he has a slim yet muscly body he wasent tan but he had my hair his pitch black eyes gave me goose bumps but good goose bumps as i hit the ground the fucker yelps in suprise and roles away then has his sword at my throat i slap it away and stand  "what the hell why you trying to slit my throat!"

He blushes deeply and sheaths his sword "scared me is all..."

"But whats witb the sword neeks!! " I yell quite mad at him

He stares and blinks at me and i relise my mistake...i called him neeks

He glares "never call me neeks!" He lunges going to punch me

I dodge and throw him back "calm down nico! I dont want to hurt you"

He lunges again trying to used shadows on me but i can see right through them and i land a blow to his mid section as his fist hits me square in the nose i know my hit hurt worse because he fell over and curled into a ball by now people were watching us and a croud gathered so i grabbed nico up and dragged him into his cabin and threw him on his bed and i found his mini frisge grabbing ice for my nose "little basterds got a good arm" i mumble

//sorry guys i am so so so fucking sorry i took so long and im so sorry this chapter is shit i swear i will give you better chapters soon and more i am so sorry

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