still on olympus

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(Percys pov)

As i started to wake up i heard the soft sound of sobbing and i felt something on my stomach, so i slowly opened my eyes and saw my father poseidon sobbing into my stomach i made sure to keep my breathing steady so he doesent notice im awake and i looked to the door and the sight that made me extremly happy. Artemis was looking in as my father had said the words that made my heart skip a beat "my boy is back" i smiled gently at artemis who just hid again and i noticed my fathers sobbing had stopped and he was instead snoring loudly. I slowly snuck out from under him and set him in a chair and smirked to myself when he dident wake up just kept snoring like a walrus.

As i was walking out of apollos cabin i went walking, most people ignored me some dryads and nymphs tryed to sell me some nector and ambrosia to which i declined gently and walked to the throne room as i reached it i supressed my power as much as i could and slowly opened the doors suprisingly the doors made no sound as i swung them opened i walked to the center of the chamber looking around at the thrones i let out a tiny prayer to whover game me my wings, increased power, and increased strength, i wondered to myself and said silently "who are you?" I flinched when my head suddenly throbbed and a loud voice resounded in my head like a cannon "you will find out soon" i crumpled to the ground as i felt the presence leave my head, my head was pounding pounding as if i were punched in the face repeatedly by zeus's masterbolt. I shook my head and noticed blood was dripping out of my nose i wiped it off my hands shaking and my legs weak. "What was that" i looked around franticly my head pounding still. I slowly began walking out of the throne room but as i took my first step out of the throne room my head felt like i was hit by a meteor i screamed out in pain faling face first my body tense, blood leaked from my eyes ears and nose my body felt as if i was dipped in the styx again and my head kept pounding i rolled around on the floor as if something big was stomping on my head repeatedly i screamed unable to passout my mind not letting me i opened my eyes a few times but all i saw was blood i felt a presence appear next to my i tryed to see but i couldent see i felt a hand on my head, a golden light and a warming calming sensation swarmed through my body i relaxed my bady falling slack my whole body felt as if on fire still but it lessend by the second and i closed my eyes and fell into unconciousness.

I looked around in my subconcious everything was black with pure white cracks the ground was a ocean that was frozen solid with fish seen through the glass like surface. I saw something weird. Myself. But not myself, he wore a pure white coat, his hair white and just as long as mine, his sword stabbed into the ground, he stood there a mask with horns resting on his forhead i hesitently stepped forward, i noticed his eyes were closed he wasent moving. His body was just as muscled as mine it was odd i felt a huge connection between us but i couldent feel him as if he were a true peice of me like he was there for years without being used. I dicided to keep walking the ice became bloody sea monsters frozen in place that bad been shreaded i saw frozen statues of people running as if it were a battle men in weird greek/roman armor, that looked as if robotic stood frozen in time the ground changing to cement, dirt, grass buildings started to grow that were partially destroyed bloody and charred bodys covored in ice that were so mangeld that i couldent make out what they were every person looked terrafied even the soldeirs who were walking with gun type things that i had never seen. I saw a little girl who appears to have been screaming and crying as i walked through the frozen people the buildings looked destroyed completly. I saw something that looked floating above the destroyed rubble of a sky scraper my wings looked as if on fire, but it was a black fire, i wore part of the mask of the other man i saw, i was glowing with power my nemean lion pelt looked black on me. What scared me was the huge hole where my heart should have been i lurched over as i felt the feeling as if i lost it my head pounded someone was trying to wake me up but i resisted i kept walking i notice these were memories or maybe they were the future. I fell to my knees as i felt my head pound again. I woke up on the ground where i was when i fell the olympians surrounding me apollo let another pulse of energy into my head which pounded waking me up fully and i gasped and my body spasmed the olympians stood back. I started to breath normally my head no longer pounding. "What the hell happend?" I looked at the olympians who just shrugged

Apollo said quitly "i think a barrier broke....a memorie barrier, ive seen this happen twice but not of this aptitude.."

Poseidon who looked worried said loudly "a memorie block, who could have done that?!"

I replyed quitly and in pain still as i slowly looked to artemis who was hiding behind zeus then at the other gods hades stood the examining me, hestia smiled which made me feel much more happy, hera scowled at zeus, and ares was sharpening a blade not really caring what happend, athena watched me silently her grey eyes searching me soul... "can i just go take a nap please?"

Apollo quickly flashed me to a bed in his palace without asking concent from the other olympians. I just lay there relaxing my eyes closed "what a day..."

(Artemis pov)

I woke up to the sound of a loud scream and i flashed to where i had felt my brother at, as i appeared he kneeled next to percy his hand on his head glowing with power i saw percy he was bleeding from his nose, ears and eyes i sprinted over and kneeled next to apollo "whats happening?!"

"I dont know sis, its weird, his whole body was smoking as if he had somehow gained to much power, his body was literally burning hes going to me ok...i hope"apollo said quitly

"Wait is it like when zeus accidentally gave that demigod a small amount of power?"

"Yeah. Like that basicly." he shrugs and i felt the other olympains flash in and i hid behind zeus i saw apollo kept sending energy into percy's head and percy gasped awake what happend next i wasent listening all i rememeber is apollo flashing percy away to his palace the gods all left to there thrones, me and apollo just went to his palace i saw poseidon looking angry at everyone trying to figure smething out

"Sis, dont tell the others anything of what we said, just deny its percys choice if he wants to tell us what he wants" he walked into his palace towards where percy would be and i sat next to the door and mumbled to myself "why cant i confront percy..." i sighed as i felt apollo working his magic on percy and percy was acting like a little baby. I slowly peeked my head around the corner only to see percy naked apollo turned around as percy changed into some new clothes the blood gone from his face and i scrambled away from the door blushing furously and ran to the waiting room and sat blushing like a tomato and facepalmed repeatedly "idiot... idiot....idiot"

(Percys pov)

I groaned when apollo told me to change my body still felt like jello but i did as told i saw something by the door but when i turned to look it was gone, i swear it was an auburn color i finished changing and chugged some water apollo summoned and he suddenly punched me sending me flying into a wall i fell to my knees gasping

Apollo kneeled next to me and pulled my face up to his his eyes glowing "you ever touch my sister like that again. Ill kill you got it" he said menicingly and i flinched knowing i couldent go against a god i was still weak

"I-it...*cough* was...*cough*.. an accident"*i groaned and gasped for air

"I dont care, i saw it all kid, your lucky that hunter got to you first, i was about to blast you"*he growls and walks out of the room

*i sighed as i struggled to my feet and i sat on a chair rubbing my chest and breathing hard "ow..."

A/n: sorry guys this one was pretty much shit :/ sowwys if it does suck

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