on Olympus!

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(apollo's pov)

As i flashed to my palace on olympus, perseus in my arms i thought to myself  'how could he be percy, he looks 21, but hes only about 18 now' as i set him on a medical bed and ripped the arrow out of hit stomach to wich he winced and grunted in unconciousness and i fed him nector and ambrosia which slowly healed the wound and some color returned to his skin and i sighed inwardly as i flashed to the throne room to deliver the news. My step sister athena sat in her throne silently reading a book "sister, summon the council" she nodded silently and soon the olympians even hades and hestia flashed in all exsept my sister artemis. The throne room was depressing and dark even for hades standards.

"Why have we been summoned" zeus said looking annoyed and i saw some lipstick on his neck to which hera slapped him and grunted.

I looked to poseidon who was looking much older and depressed and sighed as i said the few words that sent the throne room into chaos "we found percy" everything went chaotic people yelled and poseidons form flickered making him look younger more happy and he slammed his trident into the ground silencing everyone "where is he!?" He yelled and i replied quitly "in my palace resting, he was injured when i found him with artemis" poseidon flashed to my palec leaving the rest of them staring at me so i told them the story of how i saw it all happen creatin more chaos.

(Poseidons pov)

I  was in total dis-belief my heart raced as i flashed into apollos palace and i walked around until i finally found him lieing there asleep and i hesitently walked in kneeling next to him tears of gold streaming down my face and i rest my head on his stomach sobbing loudly "my boy is back..." percy groaned lightly and i half-smiled.

(Artemis pov)

I had flashed the hunters to camp half blood and immideatly flashed to olympus and walked to my brothers palace and let myself in and walked around then stopped next to one of his doors only to hear sobbing and  the words "my boy is back" i peeked my head in and i saw poseidon sobbing into percy's chest and i saw percys face he was wide awake and smiled at me making sure his dad doesent see he is away and i hide to the side of the doorway and sighs silently and left to my palace and feel asleep as soon as i hit my bed.  


A/n: how did yall like it?? Was it good???????, TELL ME!?!?!?

Percy Jackson. (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now