the revelation

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tell me how you felt about my first chapter plzz


Percys pov:

I was relaxing in my tent when I  heard a scream of I think it was agony or anger I could not tell what type of scream it was so I shot out of my tent and snapped my fingers and a special type of cloth wrapped around my body made of nemian lions pelt it was special and rare type of nemian pelt becouse it could vanish or appear on the user when they willed it and it basicly can take any shape you wish for me I kind of liked the way it looked as tape that went around my torso, right arm, my neck and stoped at the top of my nose it molds to the skin to its also very breathable fabric if I say so myself it molds to hold anything like a sword a bow like a holder its quite nice. I also have riptide in my pocket four hidden blades that I can summon when I want and they always come back after its target dies and only I can hold them. I also have a bow in the form of a ring on my left arm  when I want it I just tap it and it comes to life and has unlimated arrows.

I had grown my hair out for the past 3 years and I had somehow gained wings that have a 20 foot wing span and can sprout out of my back any time I will it. it took me a year to get the hang of them I dont use them much in fear of Zeus finding me.

I was running for a good 30 seconds before I saw a small battle between 20 dracnea, 3 drakons and my old frend Mr. meathead himself the minotaur how he came back ofter such a short time is weird but I made a deal with the minotaur a year back for him to stay out of tates hell my home for the past 2 years or I would kill him and he must have forgot the agrement but ohh well so i stopped a good 30 yards away from him and stopped the battle by yelling. "ENOUGH!!" with that i spread my wings to full length and said. "minotaur what did I tell you about coming back to this place I have warned u already to leave this place becouse I will not allow u to harm Lady Artemis or her hunters on my land leave now or die!" and knowing meathead he charged so i used the speed i learned to just impale hime with my right arm and killed him in under half a second i stopped a good 20 yards behind him glaring at the monsters hoping they would do something but they just scattered and ran it was funny but i remembered the hunters and walked over to artemis and bowed and after she waved me up i said. "lady artemis are your hunters in need of medical attention".

" no but tell me who you are or ill turn you into a jackalope" she said after a moment and i flinched

" i am percy jackson" i said while pulling my mask down. i felt a powerfull surge of lightning hit me and send me flying. saying it hurt like hell would be an under statement. i was trying to get up to regain my bearings when i felt someone tackle me and enveloupe me in a bonecrushing hug tyson would be proud of then i heard thalia yell "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" i knew it was thalia from the lightning i hugged her back tightly but weakly she pulled me up. i took a minute to answer "i have been living here for the past two years sparky" i answered only to feel a light shock in my arm then i notice the hunters looking at me in wonder and curiosity i noticed phobe glaring at me. i looked at artemis to see she was in her 18 year old form to say she looked beutiful would be way under the bar she left me speachless she her beutiful auburn hair blowing slightly her stunning silver eyes left me drooling a bit when i looked at her luscious and soft pink/red lips and her body her curves were leaving me litterally drooling she had the perfect body not to muscled not to skinny she was so beutiful. I was brought out of my thoughts by artemis when she said "percy its been three years sence you left  you say youve lived here for 2 of those years where where you the first year?"

"I was traveling east I went to europe by boat stayed in Germany for a 3 months then went to rome for 2 months and the rest of the year I was in Hawaii I then flew here with the wings you saw. to answer your question I have no idea how I got them I fell asleep on the beach and woke up on a hotel roof with them it tooke me a year to get used to them my eyes just turned red I have no idea why either. to answer your second question yes I will go with you to olympus but in the morning." artemis was staring at me confused and said "how did you know i was going to ask your permission to take you to Olympus?"

"my lady I did not know I just assumed you would say something like that I am sorry I will meet you on the out skirts of you camp in the morning" with that I left and went to my tent and snapped my fingers and my lion skin and clothes changed back to my black jeans and a black t-shirt and I laid on my bed and fell asleep.


I hope you all liked that story sorry if I went into to much detail on stuff lol hopfully ill have a few chapters up in the next 2 weaks or so

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