Chapter 9: Three Steps Ahead of You

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* 1 Week Later*

Mel's Pov

"Mel are you okay? Babygirl your mother and I are worried sick about you. We haven't talked to since you moved in with Marques. Please call me when you get this. We love you." Says my father

This has to be the 3rd or 4th voicemail my dad has left me. Leah has tried calling me too.

I just need sometime to get myself together. I don't want anyone to see my face. If they do I know they'll ask a bunch of questions. If I tell the truth Marques will get mad and beat my ass again. 😔

It's not like I can leave the house. Marques makes sure I stay here. I'm going crazy not being able to talk to anyone.


Marques finally left the house.

I quickly throw off my robe. Good thing I hide my clothes underneath.

I need to visit my family before they pay me a surprise visit.

When I get to my parents I see both of their cars in the driveway.

I get out of my car and walk towards the door.

Before I even knock the door swings open.

"Oh thank goodness." Says my father he pulls me into a tight hug.

"I've missed you daddy. I'm sorry I haven't answered your calls. I was just busy trying to get settled with my new place."

"Well come in so you can tell us all about it." Says my father

I follow after my dad into the living room.

I see my mom sitting on the couch. For once she doesn't have a glass of wine in her hand. Maybe she is trying to change.

"Melanie Yvette Martinez where the hell have you been? Your father and I have been worried sick about you. For all we know you could have been laying somewhere dead. Why do you have those big ass shades on? Take them off right now." Yells my mother

"I'm sorry mommy. And why do I have to take them off?"

"Because I said so. I'm waiting." Says my mother tapping her foot impatiently.

"Okay okay."

I really don't want to take these off. But since I have no choice. I take my shades off.

For a while they don't say anything. Maybe the makeup I put on this morning worked.

"Oh my God baby what happened to your face?" Asks My mother walking over to me.

"Nothing I can explain..."

Just then the doorbell rings. Saved by the bell.

"Baby go get that." Says my mom.

She continues to examine my face. While my dad gets the door.

A few minutes later he comes back.

I see Leah walk in after him.

"Leah what are you doing here?"

"Marques just told me what happened. I'm so glad your okay." Says Leah

She walks over to me and pulls me into her arms.

"I've been so busy with my new boo. I forgot to check up on my girl." Says Leah

"What did M tell you?"

"He said that you were almost beaten to death. Someone broke in while he was gone. When he came home you were passed out on the floor surrounded by a puddle of blood. Says Leah

"Honey that's awful. Why didn't you tell us?"asks my mom

"I.. I didn't want to stress you guys out."

I hope they can't see right through me.

"Well did they catch who did this to my baby?!" Yells my dad

"Don't worry M says he's on the job. He says everything is already handled." Says Leah

"See that's why I love that boy. He's always 3 steps ahead of me. Speaking of my future son-in- law he's calling right now." Says my dad

He walks out of the living room to answer the phone.

M really has some nerve making up a bogus lie like that. How does he know I'm at my dad's house? It like he knows what I'm doing all the time.

I know I probably shouldn't be doing this but oh well. I'm going to tell Leah the truth. I hate lying to my friends and family like this.

"Leah can I talk to you?"

"Of course." Says Leah

"Alone. If you don't mind mommy?"

"I'll go get some ice for your face. Just looking at all of those bruises are giving me a headache." Says mom before leaving the room.

"Leah if I tell you something please don't tell anyone."

"You know anything you tell me is confidential." Says Leah

"Okay well everything M told you is a lie. Our house was not broken into. After you drank too much Avery brought me home. M was sitting on the couch the whole time. When I walked into my parents house he was pissed. Let's just say I woke up the next day like this."

"Oh my gosh I has no idea. I'm so sorry Mel. What are you gonna do? Did he apologize at least?" Asks Leah

"No he acts like nothing ever happened."

"I think you should tell your parents the truth." Says Leah

"Like they would even believe me. M has my dad wrapped around his finger. I don't know what to do."

"Just try not to piss him off. People get angry and do things that they don't really mean. I'm sure it was a mistake. How would you feel if Marques was out all night? The day you were supposed to move in. Then he came home after dancing with other girls. You would be okay with that?" Asks Leah

"That would never happen. M knows better than that."

"Exactly and you should too. We all make mistakes. Marques will come around eventually." Says Leah

"I hope so because I miss my old Marques. I have no idea who M is anymore."

"Everything will fall into place. Look I can talk to him if you want?" Asks Leah

"I don't know if that's a good idea. He doesn't really want everyone knowing our business."

"Please I feel as if this is my fault. I was the one who kept pushing you to talk to him. It's the least I can do." Says Leah starting to pout.

"Okay okay fine. Let me know how it goes. Don't say you heard it from me. Whatever you do don't tell my parents okay?"

"Deal my lips are sealed." Says Leah

"Give me your pinky."

"Why?" Asks Leah

"You know when we make a promise one us has to give our pinky."

"Fineee." Says Leah

She sticks are her pinky and we shake on it.

I part that this works out. I don't want this to blow up in my face later on.


This chapter was short. I promise to make the next one longer. I just wanted you to see the aftermath of the fight.

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TellTheMisfit 😘😏

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