Ch. 25 Push It

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Pic of Julissa to the side. ☺️

-Later on that night-

Today just keeps getting crazy. One minute I'm fighting for my life. Due to my pyscho ass ex boyfriend. Now I'm in labor. I did not seeing this coming. 😳

"Come on you can do it. Just push." Says one of the nurses.

"I can't do it. It hurts to much." 😫

"Come baby do it for me." Says Moy squeezing my hand.

I push for what seems like forever. I was about to give up when I hear the doctor scream "I see a head. She's coming keep pushing." Says Dr. Wilson

I put on my big girl panties and push until I can't push anymore.

"Oh my God I see her head." Says one of the nurses.

"Her?" Me and Moy ask at the same time.

We wanted the babies sex to be a surprise.

"She's here. Aww she's beautiful. Just like her mother." Says Dr. Wilson

She walks over to me with my baby in her arms.

She cleans her off before handing her to me.

Dr. Wilson puts her in my arms.

"Look our baby she's so precious."

She's so tiny. She has Moys light complexion with a head with soft curls. She has cute little chinky eyes. I have no idea who she gets those from.

"What should we name her? This threw me off. I really thought we were having a boy." Says Moy

"I told you it was going to be a girl. Ha in your face." 😜 I stick my tongue out at him.

"Hmm how about Julissa?"

"I like it." Says Moy

"You hear that baby. Your name is Julissa. "

"She looks just like me. Damn we make some cute ass babies. Says Moy with a big grin on his face. 😏

"I can't even argue with that. You're right."

"Let me hold her?" Asks Moy

I hand Julissa over to him.

"Hi baby. I've been waiting so long to see meet you. Don't worry mommy and daddy will get you a brother real soon. Your too cute for your own good. I just know your gonna be a daddy's girl." Says Moy

Seeing him with Julissa made me want to cry. At that moment I knew for sure that Julissa was truly a blessing. I'm just happy that M didn't kill me or my baby.

"I'm sorry but we have to take her to do some test. Her being a preemie baby she's at risk." Says A nurse

"Okay." Says Moy

He looked sad to see Julissa go.

He kisses Julissa on the forehead before heading her to the nurse.

We both watch as the doctor leaves with Julissa.

"I can't believe how small she is." Says Moy

"I know. I'm still in shock that I gave birth at only 6 months."

"I blame M's dumb ass." Says Moy

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