Chapter 2.

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The school's cafeteria was filled with students when it was lunch time and
I was beyond excited when I realised that it was pizza for lunch. Clary and
I found a nice table in the middle of the cafeteria where we sat down and only a few minutes later after I made myself comfortable on my char, Alec and Jace joined us around our table. It's not really a surprise to see all of us together, especially during lunch. We all are such good friends and we couldn't care less that some students thinks that we are weird because we hang around our siblings more than other people at school. Magnus and Clary are probably the only ones that I hang out with who is not related to me by blood, but like I said before, I couldn't care less about that. I am so happy with the few friends I got and that is the only thing that matters to me at the moment. Besides, it is not like I need more friends when I have the best siblings I could ever ask for.
- Hello there, Jace said happily as he and Alec sat down beside Clary and I
- Hi, I answered and smiled brightly
Clary pressed a light kiss against her boyfriend's lips and I could not help but smile at the couple. I am beyond happy that Jace found such a perfect girlfriend as Clary. They honestly are a match made in heaven and I would never be able to forgive myself if I let anything happen to them. Clary isn't the first girlfriend Jace has had, but she definitely is the best one yet and she makes him more happy than any other human being has done before.
- Where's your other half? I said and looked at my other brother who was pretty much living inside his mobile
- He's sick, Alec said and I could tell that this was bothering him so much
- We can go to his house after school and leave some homework if you feel like you miss him too much? I asked and could practically see how happy Alec got only because of what I said
- I would love to, Alec answered and continued to stare at his own phone
When our beloved lunch break was over, Clary and I walked to our next class that was biology. I'm not really
a fan of this class, but we're going to start on something new today which can be pretty interesting. I sat down in the back of the classroom but just as Clary was about to sit down in the chair beside me, our teacher told us all that we would start off today with getting paired up with someone new that we haven't worked with before.
I tried to stay positive since I'm still pretty much the smartest in my class but as I saw who I was going to work with these upcoming weeks? I could practically feel my heart breaking in
a thousand of different small pieces.
- Hello there, Isabelle
Meliorn walked up to me with smirk on his lips and I literally threw up in my mouth. He's the worst guy in my class and he has tried to get into my pants since the first time I met him.
- How are you? He asked and I could wish that the smirk would disappear
- Fine, I muttered and let out a sigh
He sat beside me and I immediately felt how he slowly put his hands on my inner thigh. I looked around the room and tried to get in contact with someone in the room, but no one in this stupid classroom paid attention. I took the matters in my own hands and pushed away Meliorn from me. He looked pretty much offended but all I could care about was how I felt absolutely terrified beside him. All I wanted was to walk away and never come back again, but I knew that my escape plan was impossible. Meliorn would probably find me at the end of the day so it would be unnecessarily. To my benefit, class ended earlier so much earlier today than normal and
I could leave the classroom without having to worry about getting raped. The rest of the day continued on and
I was beyond happy when Alec stood at the school's parking lot. He is the only kid in our family who has a car and a driving license. Jace is way too lazy to get one and I do not have the time to study. Alec smiled widely as
I reached him and we got in his car.
- Ready to see your baby? I said and smiled brightly at my happy brother
Definitely, Alec said and smiled big
Alec started the car and a couple of seconds later, we were driving in the direction of Magnus's house. We two has visited Magnus many times and the road there never gets boring. We arrived about ten minutes later and I could honestly hear how Alec's heart started to beat pretty unhealthy fast.
- Excited? I asked and looked at him
- Yes, he answered and blushed a lot
We left Alec's car and I remembered to bring Magnus's homework that I promised the two of us would bring. The two of us walked up to the front door and Alec rang the doorbell and suddenly, someone opened the door.

// TBC \\

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