Chapter 4.

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Jace and I sat together under one of the few trees outside our school and waited patiently for our first class of the day to begin. Both of us felt very unmotivated to stay in school today especially since Clary is sick and we haven't seen Alec since last night as we ate dinner together with the rest of our family members. I'm not that worried about him though because I do recall remembering that Magnus is back in school again and if I know my brother correct, they're probably making out somewhere in privacy. I felt myself smiling to myself only by the thought of my big brother acting like one of those stereotypes teenage girls in all the chick flick movies, but the smile quickly got replaced with a look of disgust as Meliorn walked by me and Jace. His stupid smirk could be seen from miles away and the one thing I could think of was how much
I really wanted to fucking punch him in the face. He is noting more than a spoiled brat and if all rumours about him are true, he's also a awful rapist. Rumours says that he raped his own girlfriend and left her all alone when it was over. Her name is Kaelie and I remember how she changed school a few days after the event took place. I do not blame her though since I very much would have done the same if I got raped by a guy in my own school.
- Izzy, are you okay? Jace asked with a voice filled with worry and concern
- I'm fine, I said and breathed loudly without really paying attention at all
- I do not believe you, Jace answered
- Fine, I just wish that I did not have to be teamed up with Meliorn, I said
- I can beat him up? Jace said with a way too creepy ass smirk on his face
- Hell no, I answered and decided to get away from this bad conversation before it turns out even more insane
I could tell that Jace was completely prepared to keep talking, but he was more than interrupted by the bell. It rang twice, signalling that everyones first class of the day would start in a couple of minutes. I said goodbye to Jace and then started walking to the room of my first class. I sat down on my ordinary chair in the front of the room and just as I had gotten pretty comfortable, I felt a hand on my leg.
- I have missed you so much, honey
The disgusting voice made me want to scream out in horror and before I could react, the hand on my leg had moved up to my thigh. I tried to not freak out, but I could practically feel how my poor heart was beating a lot faster than it normally does, which I might say is very bad and unhealthy.
- Don't touch me, I muttered angrily
- You're hot when you're angry, Izzy. Did you know that? Meliorn said as the awful smirk was back on his lips
I was just about to answer when the door to the classroom opened and a few seconds later, our teacher came walking in. Meliorn quickly took his hand off me when he finally noticed that our teacher was here with us in the very same room and I could not be happier. It was not until I looked at our teacher again that I noticed a shy looking guy behind her. He was wearing a pair of black jeans with a pretty ugly ass t-shirt that for some reason fitted him. The guy was also wearing glasses that made him look like a cute nerd and as our eyes met, he looked away and turned red as a tomato. Damn, the guy is adorable.
- Class, this is Simon Lewis and he will be staying with us, our teacher said and flashed us all a wide smile

// TBC \\

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