Chapter 8.

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Max and I stayed together in my bed for some time until mother suddenly walked in, saying that it was time for dinner that she had prepared for the six of us + Magnus. I can't say that I understand how she can cook for so many people without getting anxiety but I guess she's just amazing at the things she do. I grabbed Max's hand and we walked down the stairs with mother quickly behind us. Everyone was already sitting around the table when we stepped into the kitchen. I sat down on my usually chair beside Mags and he flashed me a big smile.
- How is Simon? He whispered into my ear so no one else would hear us
- What do you mean? I asked rather chocked as I tried my best to not get any unnecessary attention to us two
- Biscuit told me that you exchanged phone numbers, Magnus said as the smile on his face turned into a smirk
- She's such a traitor, I muttered and felt my face turning into a red colour
- Not to me, she's not. Besides, have you forgotten who you're talking to? I'm the gossip king, Mags answered
- Right, I'm sorry your highness. Do you want to know more spicy gossip about my private life or are you full?
I asked with so much sarcasm in my voice that I 100% impressed myself.
- Are you always this sassy? Right, I forgot who I was talking to, Magnus answered and I couldn't help myself but laugh out loud which caught the attention of everyone in the kitchen.
- What's so funny? Jace asked as he looked questioningly at Mags and I
I gave Magnus my famous "tell him anything and I'll kill you" look and I guess that was enough for the brave Magnus Bane because he refused to give Jace an answer. Instead, he did only shake his head and smirked yet again that playful smirk he gets a lot.
- You guys are idiots, Jace whispered which only made us two laugh more
Jace did not look all too pleased, but Alec on the other hand looked happy as if he just won the lottery. He once told me that he can't help but feel so happy when he sees that Mags really with his siblings and I guess that he
is going through one of those happy moments right about now. Who am
Even I kidding? Everyone had a big smile on their faces. Hell, even dad smiled like he was the luckiest man
in the world and that is not a thing I (or anyone for that matter) see often.
After the dinner, Magnus hugged us all goodbye before he had to go back to his house, claiming that his father wanted him home before it got dark.
I returned back to my bedroom only seconds after Magnus had left and I was just about to change my clothes when my phone suddenly vibrated.
"Hey, Izzy. I was just wondering if you were free this Saturday? I still can not find my way around town and it would be really great if you could show me around😇" - Simon
I couldn't help but smile at the cute message and honestly, I felt excited and happy that he wanted me to do some kind of a town tour with him.
"I would love to😊" - Izzy
I didn't really get the chance to see what Simon answered next because before I knew it the door to my room opened and Alec came waking in. I could already tell what he was here for and of course, I wouldn't say no.
- You wanna sleep here? I asked and flashed him one of my biggest smiles
- Yeah, Alec answered and blushed
I nodded my head and the smile did not leave my lips. Alec laid down in my bed before I could say anything about it and before I joined him, I changed into my pyjamas. This was absolutely nothing unusual. The two of us usually sleeps together when neither of us wants to feel alone or just if we are feeling like it which my dear brother did today. We cuddled up together and only minutes later, the two of us were peacefully asleep.

// TBC \\

Sorry for the long wait❤️

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