Chapter 5.

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I could tell that the new guy, Simon, was very nervous about coming to a new school and all. Throughout the whole class, he sat in the front and I could practically see him shaking as
if he was having a epilepsy attack or something like that. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor guy. All I know that our class is not really the most understanding and if he for a good reason would end up with the wrong kind of people, he's going to get himself killed. I quickly took up my phone, trying to ignore the fact that Meliorn still is trying to get in
my damn pants. The one thing that went through my smart brain ATM was that I had to text Clary and tell
her about our new classmate. When
I was sure that no one payed any of their attention of me, except for the moron beside me, I quickly sent my best friend as text message and as I was done, I put my phone back into my pocket since I really didn't want any kind of detention today or ever.
"New guy. Simon Lewis. Be a nice person and google him for me❤️"
When the bell finally rang, I literally ran out of the room before someone decided to be a bitch and make me the smallest late for lunch. Jace was already waiting at a table in the big cafeteria and I couldn't help but let myself smile widely as I was one of my other brothers with his hot ass boyfriend beside him. I sat down at their table and the three of them all mirrored the smile that still was on my lips. Magnus was looking much better and I didn't even have to ask
to know how happy Alec was to the fact that his boyfriend was back. It could clearly be seen on his face as
it lit up the whole room when the 2 look at each other. Gross, I know. I am happy for my brother though as Magnus is his first boyfriend, but I am pretty still mad that Alec got the hottest guy in the entire school and
I didn't, but I guess I can let it slide.
- Hello there, Isabelle. How is class treating you so far? Magnus said as he looked at me with a happy smile
- Good, except for Meliorn. He's an ass and deserves to die, I answered
I already knew that lying to the few people who knows me better than I know myself was a bad idea and the last thing I wanted right now was to end up on their bad sides because 1 thing that I'm sure of, they're all ten times scarier when they are furious.
- All you have to do is say yes and I will beat him up, Jace said and I felt slightly terrified by the smile he had
- No thanks, I answered quickly as I didn't want the school to turn into a damn war zone cause Jace is angry
- Anything else we should know or are you keeping more secrets? Alec asked, still pissed that I did not tell him about Meliorn when he started
- There's a new guy in my class. He seems nice, I muttered and blushed
- How cute! You're blushing! Mags practically screamed and all I could do at that moment was blush more
- Does Izzy have a crush? Alec said wiggled his stupid eyebrows at me
- No! I yelled a bit too quickly which caused the 3 morons to laugh more
-  What's his name? Jace said when they finally calmed down completely
- Simon Lewis, I muttered and felt how my face turned red once again
- Hot or not? Magnus asked, which caused a slap in jealousy from Alec
- Hot, definitely, but also very cute and nerdy, I answered and smirked
Before I was about to say more, my phone vibrated in my pocket and I quickly took it out, seeing that Clary had responded to my text message.
"Simon Lewis, born October 17. He has one sister, Rebecca. They are a Jewish family and his two parents are divorced. From what I can see, he seems to be in a band with some of his friends. Cute, right? I do not know about you, but he seems like the best of both worlds - Clary ❤️"
- Who texted you? Alec asked and I couldn't help but roll my eyes as he always has to be so damn protective
- Clary, I answered and smiled wide
- What did my baby say? Is she okay or does she miss me too much? Jace asked as he smiled like a douchebag
- Not really, I answered and smirked
Jace only muttered out a faint "fuck you" and I could barely keep myself from laughing. There is nothing that
I love more than annoying my dear brother, especially since he hates it.
- You're evil, Jace said and pouted
- I know, I answered and smiled one more time at my gold blond brother

// TBC \\

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