Chapter 10.

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- Look who's back! How did the date with Simon go? Is he good in bed? It does not seem like it but I have been wrong before, Jace said and laughed as I arrived into our nice living room
Simon had followed me to my house even after I more than insisted that I would be fine on my own, but that is just the gentleman he is. Jace looked at me with curiosity in his eyes and I couldn't help but smile at him. Clary was also here along with Max and all of them waited for me to fangirl, like
I usually always do. Ah they all know me so well, it's almost scary. Almost.
- We did not have sex, Jace. I am not as impatient and horny as you, I said
- Do not talk about S-E-X when poor Max is in the room, thank you. All of us know that he's too young for talks like that, Alec whispered as he threw a quick glance in both my and Jace's direction while Max was too focused on the television hear what his older siblings are talking about at the very moment. I know that Alec is right. It is stupid of us to talk about stuff like sex, especially since Maxi more than likely will ask mom and dad about it.
- Always such a party pooper, Alec. I thought Magnus did some good, but you're still so fucking innocent, Jace answered and rolled his golden eyes
- Someone has to be the adult and it doesn't look like you fit that job and all of us here know it, Alec muttered as he flipped Jace off, after checking if Max was paying attention. We can not have a child pointing fingers like that, now can we? Hell no. Maxi will forever be our innocent brother who never do anything bad, I really hope. Jace has a terrible influence after all and that is not going to change, sigh.
- Seriously, how did you date go? All the details please, Clary said happily
- It went absolutely perfect, I said as
I flashed my very best friend a smile
- Will there be more dates and more importantly, will you introduce us? I want to meet him, Jace said with his signature smirk that I hate soo much
- You can meet him in school, idiot. I won't bring him here yet, I answered
- Boring!
- Shut up, Jace. You are  making our baby sister uncomfortable, Alec said
- I am not a damn baby, I whispered
- You're always going to be our little baby, Izzy. Deal with it, Jace said as he watched me and gave me a smile
- Just give me a slow death
- Do not worry, babe. I will save you, Clary answered as she threw both of her arms around my neck and made me turn into Clary's own teddy bear.
- Thank you, babe. I know that I can always count on my partner in crime

// TBC \\

I know that I have been gone for so long, but I'm trying my best. It's hard to update, especially since my life is a mess ATM, but I will try to be better, I promise


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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