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disclaimer: this chapter is extremely triggering, so please read at your own risk. there will be horrific descriptions of physical abuse.


flashback: five years ago

it was a boring friday night for arabella with nothing to do except binge-watch tv and order chinese food. jason would be home soon. he'd probably want to go out to a bar only to get blackout wasted with his loser friends and have arabella tag along as their driver.

the front busted opened, startling arabella, as a furious jason stormed inside throwing his suitcase onto the carpet floor. he made his way to the kitchen, putting his hands on his face before slamming his fists onto the countertop.

arabella got up from couch, running over to jason to go and calm him down since he'd never acted this way before. "babe," she placed a hand on his shoulder, but he jerked away from her touch, "talk to me. what happened?" arabella made another attempt at consoling him, but instead jason did the unthinkable.

he lurched forward and slapped arabella right across the face, leaving her stunned. "i made it clear i didn't want you touching me," jason evilly glared at arabella who was in such a state of shock, she just stood there.

"i was trying to help you o-" she was cut off by jason grabbing her by the throat and slamming her against the wall. "listen to me," his grip got tighter and tighter around arabella's neck, cutting off air supply, "i don't need your fucking help. you hear me?" tears immediately started streaming down arabella's face as she has never seen this side of jason before.

he slowly let go of arabella's neck and she immediately gasped for air while jason just stood there emotionless.


that night only got worse from there. jason ending up letting out all his frustration on arabella. he wanted to make her feel miserable just like he did. he resorting to punching, kicking, spitting on, and choking her. and in the end, it worked.

arabella stood in the bathroom mirror looking at what jason had done. both arabella's eyes were a dark shade of purple due to jason punching her repeatedly in the face, her neck had deep fingerprints all around from the choking, her lip was busted and bloody, her body has bruises and cuts from jason slamming her on the ground multiple times.

her begs and cries for him to stop meant nothing him. anger and wrath had taken over his body, causing terrible damage to his loved one.

and that was just the beginning.


present day: ethans apartment

ethan woke up to arabella a crying mess. they'd fallen asleep after her sickening confession with there being an awkward tension since when ethan tried to talk with her, she just said she was tired and wanted to go to sleep.

arabella's loud, choked sobs and heavy breathing filled the living room as she pulled her legs to her chest. ethan on the other hand, didn't know what to do besides go over beside her and wrap his arms around her, pulling her to his chest.

arabella responded by clutching onto his shirt, soaking it with her salty tears. "t-thank you," she'd managed to choke out through her tears.

"anytime," ethan kissed her forehead and rested his chin on the top of her head. she slowly began to regain her composure, taking deep breaths and wiping her puffy eyes.

ethan stroked her messy, black curls providing comfort to her. "i'm here for you," his hazel eyes connected with hers, "always," arabella cracked a smile and leaned forward hugging ethan tightly.

ethan hugged back even tighter, smiling the biggest smile he'd ever smiled, knowing his actions made an impact on her.

and that's all that mattered to him right now.


i'm very sorry for the gruesome chapter, but i wanted to give you guys an insight on what arabella went through. also, a disclaimer will be put at the beginning of each chapter with mentions of abuse because it might be triggering to some !

𝐒𝐈𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑➳𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐍✔Where stories live. Discover now