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arabella and ethan arrived at the restaurant "rogue" at approximately 6:48pm and from the looks of the parking lot, the place was packed.

for the evening, ethan was wearing a white button up shirt with striped blueish-black pants and a gucci belt (i suck at descriptions so just imagine the mtv movie awards outfit)

arabella was wearing a short, dark red, satin v-neck dress that stopped just above her knees. it was flowy at the bottom, but tight on her chest area.

to match she wore a gold necklace with a moon attached in the middle and some small hoop earrings.

ethan couldn't keep his eyes on the road and off arabella and couldn't stop complimenting her every five seconds.

arabella thought he was being really sweet and knew she could never get tired of him.

arabella glanced over at ethan who was driving and saw a smug grin on his face. she knew he had something already planned for her.

as much as ethan on the outside seemed satisfied with the restaurant, ethan on the inside was practically shitting himself.

this was definitely not ethans cup of tea, but he wanted to impress arabella this evening. so he sucked it up and played it cool.

they pulled into the parking lot, parking and then getting out. ethan held arabella's hand as they crossed over to get to the restaurant.

there were people waiting outside, probably for their table, but ethan said something to the person out front and was immediately brought inside.

the inside was absolutely stunning to both arabella and ethan.

there were chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, giving the dim atmosphere some needed light.

the white cloth covered tables were each paired with a beige parson all had a candle in the middle. a single rose was also placed adjacent to the candle, giving off a romantic vibe.

as the man led her and ethan to where they'd be seated, she couldn't help but feel a little out of place. being fancy wasn't her thing and it wasn't something she was used to at all.

she didn't say anything because she didn't want to ruin ethans plans and disappoint him.

the man led them both to a private booth away from all the chatter in the front and was set beside a nice fireplace.

ethan thanked the man and they both slid into the booth as the man walked away.

arabella looked around, feeling even more out of place since this part was even more fancier than the front.

ethan picked up on arabella's uncomfortability and narrowed his eyebrows. "you okay?" he asked and arabella immediately shot him a fake smile. "yeah i'm good," ethan already knew she was bluffing and was ready to ask her about it when a woman came up.

"hi welcome to rogue! my name's viviana and i hope you take pleasure here enjoying our fine cuisine," her voice was filled with peppy fakeness. "now what can i get you to drink? how about i bring you the wine menu?" both ethan and arabella cluelessly stared up at her like she had two heads.

ethan nervously cleared his throat, "um i'll just have water," the waitress smiled again before putting her attention to arabella. "i'll have the same," viviana nodded before scurrying off to get the drinks.

arabella continued checking out the place before ethan spoke up.

"well, you look uncomfortable," ethan rested both his elbows on the table. "i'm just not a fancy person," arabella folded her hands on the table, tilting her head to the side.

"and neither am i," ethan laughed and so did arabella, shaking her head.

"not even gonna lie, in-n-out sounds so good right now," he leaned back against the cushion, sighing. "then let's go there instead," arabella blurted out, taking ethan by surprise.

ethan leaned over, checking the area for the waitress and she wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"alright lets go."

both got up and casually made their way to the exit, leaving.

once at the ethans car, ethan, trying to be a gentleman, opened up the door for arabella. he got in the driver's seat and headed over to in-n-out.

the drive-thru was lined up with car after car and ethan decided to go inside to order.

arabella told him what she wanted and waited until he was inside, standing in the long line before she whipped out her phone to text grayson.

hey grayson

oh heyy

what's up?

we're at in n out
so give us like
forty five minutes

okay i'm like twenty
minutes away

are you on
your way?

no but i'm
about to be

how am i supposed
to get inside?

i left the front door
unlocked for you

okay i'll see you
and e there then

see you soon grayson

arabella exited out of imessage and played gummy drop until ethan came back into the car with a bag full of food.

ethan passed arabella her cheeseburger before pulling out his and beginning to eat it.

they sat, eating their burgers and fries and talked for at least thirty minutes before putting all the trash into the takeout bag. ethan went outside to throw out the trash, giving arabella little time to check up on grayson.

where are you?

i'm at your house
right now

okay we'll be there
in like ten minutes


ethan came back shortly, then started the car and headed home. they listened to bryson tiller the whole way back and arabella felt anxious to see what would happen in the next minute or two.

once they'd arrived home, arabella followed behind ethan to the front door. he unlocked it, turning on the light and immediately freezing at the sight of who was sitting on the living room couch.


𝐒𝐈𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑➳𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐍✔Where stories live. Discover now