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ethan's raised an eyebrow at the arabella's sudden question, "wait, you mean like right now?" arabella nodded before smiling down to the concrete.

"well then," ethan chuckled a bit, "we shall go to my place," he opened the passenger side door for arabella, then went to the driver's side.

arabella handed ethan the keys and he started up the car before backing out of the driveway and cruising down the neighborhood.


once they'd reached ethan's floor, ethan unlocked the door, letting arabella go in first before sneaking a quick glance at her ass.

"come on, my room's this way," ethan closed the front door. they both headed into ethan's room which was down the hall, to the left of the kitchen.

ethan's room was in pretty good shape, so luckily neither had to do much.

ethan grabbed a few suitcases from his closet and began packing his shirts, pants, and other items into them.

arabella was in ethan's bathroom, putting all of his toiletries into a smaller suitcase.

the sound of ethan's phone ringing made arabella stop what she was doing and peep her head out from the bathroom.

ethan answered it almost instantly, which kinda threw her off a bit since he practically lunged for it.

ethan answered his phone with a "hello" in an almost irritated voice.

the person on the other end must've been talking for a while because ethan began pacing back and forth across the room on the phone, not noticing arabella eavesdropping from the adjacent bathroom.

"gray listen, i never wanna fucking see you ever again! why can't you get that through your thick fucking skull?!" ethan hung up the phone, then threw it onto his bed.

arabella was confused as to who gray was, but figured it was just one of ethans friends.

ethan went back to packing his clothes but arabella could tell he was pissed since he was roughly shoving shirts into the suitcase.

she ran over to him, swinging her arms around his waist and snuggling into his back.

ethan tossed his shirt onto the bed, turning around and pulling arabella into tight embrace.

arabella immediately hugged back, taking in his scent. "ethan, who's gray?" arabella felt ethan remove his arms from around her and he gave her a bothered look.

ethan annoyingly rolled his eyes and plopped down on the bed covers, "he's just my twin brother,"

arabella stood there, confused as to why ethan had never said anything about having a brother, let alone a twin.

ethan pulled arabella onto his lap, holding onto her waist. "ethan, don't," arabella crossed her arms, sliding off to his left side.

"bella," ethan tried grabbing arabella's hand, but she jerked away, "don't touch me ethan."

ethan sighed in frustration, "bella, can you at least hear me out?" he put a hand on her thigh and she uncrossed her arms and yanked his hand off.

"why should i, ethan? you've barely told me anything about your family and i feel like you're hiding things from me," arabella's voice got whiny at the end of her sentence.

"listen to me," ethan deeply gazed into arabella's eyes as she sighed and slowly uncrossed her arms.

"there's a lot you don't know about me and trust me, it needs to stay that way."

𝐒𝐈𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑➳𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐍✔Where stories live. Discover now