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the next morning, arabella woke up to her alarm clock ringing very loudly next to her bed, indicating it was time to get up to go see jason.

she quickly showered, brushed her teeth, and got dressed; the same daily routine since jason's death except this time, her phone buzzed with a text.

i'm omw to rose waters
cemetery, i'll see you there?

yea for sure:) i was
heading out too.

i'll definitely be looking
forward to seeing your
pretty face, bella.
see you there.

see you ethan

arabella smiled to herself as it had been a while since another man had complimented her nor even texted her.

jason didn't like it when other men talked to her, telling her that he should be the only male she talks to. so, not wanting to disobey jason's orders, arabella cut off all connections with all her guy friends which eventually led to breaking off her friendships with her best girl friends due to jason's paranoia that her friends possibly could be bisexual.

a small thought passed arabella's mind that maybe jason was a little controlling, but she brushed it off as he just wanted her for himself and feared of losing her.

but still, she missed speaking with her best friends and hoped that one day they could all reunite. but for now, ethan was her only chance at putting herself out there, so she grabbed her keys, got in her car, and headed for rose waters cemetery.


rose waters cemetery was a remote burial ground located a few blocks off abby street where small businesses bloomed whilst others closed due to not many people being on this side. arabella's phone buzzed with a text from ethan that said "coffee first?" and she replied with "that sounds great." before heading into the coffee shop.

once inside, arabella saw ethan sitting at a table near the fireplace where students mainly went to study or hang out with friends while not disturbing the others in the shop. ethan glanced up from his drink, immediately giving arabella a pleasant smile as she went to go sit down.

she slipped off her jacket, placing it on her chair before sitting down, watching ethan's wandering eyes roam up and down her upper area. "i ordered you the same thing as me; a caramel macchiato," arabella noticed a steamy cup next to her, so she grabbed it and tasted it.

"mhmm this tastes amazing ethan, thank you," she smiled after wiping her mouth on the napkin provided to her. "jason loved getting the cafè mochas from here. he even tried making some at home, but that didn't work out too well," she chuckled to herself as she remembered jason being so proud of himself only for the coffee to taste absolutely terrible.

arabella began babbling on about jason's coffee fail while ethan sat there, listening to her go on and on about a man he wished he could take the place of in the future.

the quiet area where they sat was soon filled with the small laughter of ethan and arabella due to her telling another story about how jason blew up their microwave while she wasn't home. eventually it died down as the two were almost done finishing up their coffees.

"you know, i really hope jason treated you well because any man would be incredibly lucky to have you, bella." ethan paused before taking another sip of his coffee, "but i wanna know more about the man who was blessed to have you." arabella smiled, but the smile was washed away as a feeling of dread suddenly came over her.

the thoughts from this morning of jason's possessiveness came rushing to arabella and she tried pushing them away, but the more she processed and analyzed her memories with jason throughout their relationship, the more she realized;

they weren't good ones.

𝐒𝐈𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑➳𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐍✔Where stories live. Discover now