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three days after the incident at ethan's apartment, arabella decided to visit jason's grave one last time. she'd paid a visit to his grave the last two days as ethan did the same for his lover, but this visit was going to be the final.

she was ready to move on. move on from her terrible past and all the pain plus the sorrow jason brought upon her daily. but most importantly, she wanted to move forward from her commitment to love jason and only jason.

getting to know ethan over the short time period had caused the place where her love for jason was located to gradually unseal. ethan made arabella feel ways jason never made her feel, emotionally and a little bit physically.

arabella was now sitting in traffic waiting for the morning commute to hurry up and pass by. ethan was already at rose waters cemetery, visiting his lover, but was currently texting arabella as she sat in her car frustrated.

how much longer
are you gonna take?

ethan there's tons
of traffic omg

okay i'm sorry
i'm just excited for
you to finally move on

me too:)

traffic's clearing up,
so i'll see you ethan

see you soon beautiful

arabella blushed at the sweet text as she parked her car in the parking lot and letting her surroundings sink in and the memories that came along with. arabella smiled while staring at joes café where realization of memories with jason had hit her dramatically. her heart fluttered as she glanced at the spot where ethan gained some confidence and asked her come over to his place.

she realized she'd been sitting there for a bit now while ethan was anxiously waiting for her, so she got out and headed for the cemetery. arabella saw ethan's figure at jason's grave turning around every once in a while as if he was impatiently searching for her.

he caught a glimpse of her as she came closer to him and arabella swore his face lit up with joy from seeing her. arabella moved the half dead roses to the side before sitting down, noticing ethan's eyes light up as he studied her outfit and her face.

"you ready?" ethan reached over, lacing his fingers together with arabella's. she glanced down blushing, before gathering her courage to finally do this.

to finally free herself from jason once and for all.

𝐒𝐈𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑➳𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐍✔Where stories live. Discover now