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arabella woke up the next morning, curls a mess and kind of confused. it was silent; no signs of ethan or grayson anywhere. she saw her phone on the coffee-table, checking the time and seeing it was only 8:29am.

she got up, walking upstairs and checking each room for a sign of grayson, but having no luck.

she looked through the blinds and saw grayson's car not in the driveway anymore meaning he must've left last night.

arabella went into her bedroom, hearing the sound of water running in the bathroom. arabella opened the bathroom door and a shirtless ethan with nothing but gray joggers on stood, brushing his teeth.

not going to lie, she was definitely turned on by the handsome sight of ethan's back muscles flexing every time he moved.

ethan caught sight of arabella in the doorway and ignored her presence. he just continued brushing and she soon joined him, neither speaking a word.

ethan finished up, not before throwing his toothbrush into the holder, and soon after so did arabella, and both exited the bathroom. ethan headed for the doorway, trying to leave, but she decided to break the silence.

"can we talk?" she sat down in the middle of the bed, her butt resting on the back of her shins. she put on an innocent voice causing ethan to turn around.

"and what about?" his voice was coated with irritation. arabella reached her arms out for ethan to come sit down.

ethan plopped down at the edge, resting his hands on both knees and a look of annoyance plastered on his face. arabella put on ethan's thigh, making him tense up a bit. "mmm i don't know, you tell me," she said, squeezing his thigh.

arabella knew this wasn't the right time to be teasing ethan, but she wanted to get in his head and make him talk to her. no matter what it took.

she purposely brushed her hand over his groin and ethan instantly sprung up from the bed. "i gotta go somewhere, but we can chat later," he opened the dresser drawer and picked out a black t-shirt, frantically throwing it on.

arabella sat like an innocent child and pouted, watching ethan head down the stairs in a hurry. she heard the front door open then slam shut and she got off the bed, kind of worried about ethan.

he seemed very frustrated and annoyed with her and she knew the definite reason why, but wanted to hear him say it and talk about it with her.

she also wanted to know about how things ended up with grayson too, but had to wait for it.

𝐒𝐈𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑➳𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐍✔Where stories live. Discover now