(Photo is Jessie)
Variel POV
The teacher eventually came rushing in after a few kids and sat down at his desk. Piling his books on top of his papers and putting his mug of what looked like coffee next to it, he turns around to write something on the whiteboard, his name; which is Mr Campbell.
The next few minutes roll by and the rest of the students file in. Nobody talks to me, probably because I'm the weird new kid, but I don't mind, I prefer the quiet anyway. All the girls seem to ignore me while some of the guys just give me an awkward glance.
Is form ever going to start?
I wonder if I will have any classes with Aria, I hope I do, she seems really nice and genuine, and the only friendly person at the moment. The second bell suddenly rings. The teacher stands up and points to what he has written on the board.
"Class! As you should now know I am Mr Campbell and I will be your form teacher and for those of you who take biology, I will be your teacher there also. Another thing, there is a new student in our class....." Oh no, please no....
"....Who has moved here from all the way down in Dunedin....." He better not make me introduce myself, he better not....
"........ And I expect respect to be shown as she introduces herself." Hahaha, drat. I just love teachers. Note the sarcasm.
Everyone turns rather noisily to to face me as I stand. A cat whistle breaks the awkward silence as I go to speak but is cut off abruptly by a glare from the teacher. I try to pinpoint where it came from but everyone was waiting so I start to speak.
"Well....My name is Variel Devlin and I moved here from a small college in Dunedin with my Mom...."
"Tell us something about yourself Variel." The teacher interrupts.
"My favorite color is green....and I like to swim."
Mr Campbell nods in thanks and I sit down in my chair. "Thank you Variel, we hope you enjoy your new school here at Wellington High School."
The class turns back to the front as the teacher calls out the roll. I soon hear the bell ring once again signaling for us to head to our first class. I check my timetable and I have English in A4. Great, I have no idea where that is.
I ask Mr Campbell where it is located and instead of helping he calls out to one of the kids in my form class who just happened to be a boy. Did I mention how much I love teachers?
"Jessie! You have English in A4 first right?"
"Yes sir." Says a light haired boy who is the supposed 'Jessie'.
"Ah, very well, could you please guide Variel there?"
"Sure." Jessie replied a grin crossing his face. Was it just me or did he look a little too happy at the prospect of guiding me to class? I eye him warily. Under that grin I see gray eyes with tints of blue and blonde hair. I remember boys like this from my old school, and I didn't like them. I still cringe slightly at the idea of Mr Smiley leading me around the school.....Its only my first day and I didn't want to be this weeks gossip.
"So," He started, breaking into my thoughts and still grinning like an idiot. "You moved here from Dunedin? How come?" I continue to follow him, looking ahead of me as we walk. "Reasons." I say simply as I give him a sidelong glance. "But it doesn't really matter." He's grinning stupidly again. I look ahead once more.
"So where is A4?"
He gestures up ahead of him. "Just around that corner."
We walk a little bit more passing a group of girls, one of them giving me a jealous look. Trust me I'd much rather be somewhere else I think to myself.
"How long do you plan on staying in Wellington? Any University plans?" He says curiously.
"It depends on whether I like it here or not." I answer.
"And how are you liking it so far?"
"Its ok." He doesn't reply to that, so we walk the rest of the way in silence.

The Edge (On Hold)
Lupi mannariStarting a new school in Year 13 is tough, especially when you don't know anyone. Bummer that Variel Devlin doesn't have much choice. She imagines just getting through her last year at school peacefully, but how wrong she is. When she meets Darius M...