(Photo is Lora)
Variel POV
The next morning I felt groggy and tired. I had cleaned up last night after I dropped Miley home, and stayed up for a few hours to study. I quickly chose my outfit for the day and shoved my hair into a messy ponytail, and headed out the door, picking up some toast for breakfast and books to stuff in my bag along the way.
As I pulled into the parking lot, I saw Lora up ahead of me, near the front of school. She was crying. I quickly took the keys out and grabbed my stuff as I ran out to her.
"Lora! What happened? Are you okay?" I exclaim, worried as she looks up at me. Her eyes were red and slightly puffy from crying.
"Josh....broke up....with me..." She said between sobs. I sigh. I'm guessing the high school drama just couldn't wait until I was settled in.
"Oh, I'm sorry Lora." I say softly as I sit down next to her. I know how she feels. I awkwardly wrap my arms around her, I mean I barely know the girl but I know what it was like to break up, especially if you had been together with that person for a long time.
My mind swirls with memory's that I would rather forget from the past. When I was 14 I had my first boyfriend. His name was Dan.
I had a silly crush on him for like 2 years before he asked me out. And when we did go out, it only lasted a month. But I had liked him so much and had crushed on him for so long, it felt like longer. Turns out he had cheated. And he broke up with me. Gosh I was so naive back then.
I texted Aria and Miley what had happened and within a couple minutes they were here and I stepped back to let them comfort their friend.
I knew Lora would be fine now and I still have half an hour before the bell went, so I walked around the school, trying to learn where everything was.
When I felt like I had a general knowledge where everything was, I began to make my way back to my form class, which was (if I remembered correctly) in C2.
I grabbed my phone out as I walked back, searching up some random stuff. I actually came across this cool website called quotev.com. It's this cool place where you create an account and you can write books, and make quizzes and stuff like that. I will probably write on it in my spare time, I had an idea for a story line. Something about a girl starting a new school and meeting a dangerous guy..... Based on what was happening with me at the moment if you hadn't guessed already.
I continued walking, subconsciously aware of where I was going, and as I begin to type out my first book, I walk into someone.
"Oops, sorry I wasn't looking where I was going...." I trailed off when I realized who it was I bumped into. Take a guess, just try to take a wild guess of who I could have possibly run into, of all the kids in this school.
"Well, nice to bump into you again." Darius said, as a smirk appeared across his face.
"Oh ha ha very funny." I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes.
I go to continue on to my class but Darius steps in front of me.
"You know, its kind of rude to walk away from someone when they are talking to you." He says.
I try to walk away but he steps in front of me again.
"Well I believe the conversation is over."
He smirks again. "I wasn't aware."
I smirk sarcastically. "Well now you know."
I shove past him this time but he grabs my wrist. I pull it out of his grasp.
"What!?" I'm getting rather annoyed at his point and he seems to notice. So he continues. That little... I don't get to finish what I was about to think because he began to speak again.
"I have this English assessment next week and I was told you were a wiz. It would be appreciated if you helped me."
"What do you think I am? Your servant?" I hiss. He is really beginning to tick me off.
He laughs. He. Laughs.
"No not at all, although you do seem to be a geek." He gestured to my sweatshirt.(I had my grey hoodie with the word geek in bold black.) Oh wow, real original buddy, real original.
He laughs again. Seems a bit too cheerful for someone who could have been involved in a murder if you ask me.
His eyes suddenly hardened, and his grin dropped from his face. What the--
"Library, at lunch. You better be there." And with that he turned around and stormed off.
What. Just. Happened.

The Edge (On Hold)
WerewolfStarting a new school in Year 13 is tough, especially when you don't know anyone. Bummer that Variel Devlin doesn't have much choice. She imagines just getting through her last year at school peacefully, but how wrong she is. When she meets Darius M...