(Photo is Aria)
Variel POV
There were barely any windows in English so I just sat to the side of the class near the wall. Jessie leaves me to go and sit at the back leaning on his chair as he put his headphones on and started listening to music so loud I could hear it from where I am. I roll my eyes.
I grab my bag and put my folder and notebooks on my desk. As the rest of the kids come in, I notice a familiar white haired girl.
"Hey Aria!" I call out. She looks in my direction and walks over to me with a couple friends behind her.
"Hey! Variel right?"
"Right." I smile, I feel like Lara would get along with Aria, they both have similar personalities and they both seem to like makeup.
"Why are you sitting here by yourself?" She turns to her two friends, a dark skinned girl with her black hair up in a pony tail, and a slightly taller girl with brown mousy hair that brushed her shoulders.
"Lora, Miley, meet Variel, she's new here. You want to sit with her? I invited her to sit with us at break."
The dark skinned girl-Miley- and the taller girl-Lora- both nod in agreement. Aria sits next to me, Lora behind me and Miley in front.
"So," Aria turns to me. "Meet anyone other than us yet?" I turn to face her, tearing my gaze from my books. "Hmm? Oh yeah. I met that guy back there, Jessie? He was told by my form teacher Mr Campbell to show me where A4 was."
Aria turns to see where I pointed and whispers in my ear as they bell went. "Nice, I've talked to him before, he's funny and cute."
I chuckle and whisper back as our English teacher later known as Miss Morris comes in. "Yea, not interested." Aria's eyes widen a little in surprise. "Why not?" I repeat to her what I told Lara before form. "Not on my priority list right now."
"Oooooh ok. That would explain why no other guys have talked to you yet. You're giving off that vibe." I raise an eyebrow at her. "What vibe?" She quickly replies. "The vibe that you're not interested in a relationship. Or are you like already in one?" I quickly shake my head. "No no. I guess I'm just focused on other things." Aria nods her head as if she understands and I face the front as the teacher starts babbling on about what we were going to learn about this term. I sigh, this is gonna be a long day.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
After English I had music, and turns out Miley does too. It went by really quickly, the teacher just let us move around the stations of instuments and try figure out which one we wan to learn more about this term. Funnily enough Miley and I both wanted to do guitar seeing as we both played a little, and before we knew it, the bell rang once again and it was break.
I walk with Miley until we meet up with Aria and Lora, and together we walk to 'The Barn' . As we go to sit at one of the long tables I tell Aria who sits next to me, "This is cool! We didn't have something like this at my old school." She laughs slightly at my excited expression.
"Yea, most of the Year 13 students sit here, I guess you could call it our base." As the four of us grab out our food another girl and 3 guys come and sit across from us.
"Hey Aria! It's been forever! How are you? Get up to anything in the holidays?" Aria looks up to smile at the long haired brunette who had just spoken. "Hey Michelle!"
Miley, who was sitting on my other side whispers in my ear. "That's Michelle Aria's bestie. And that's her twin brother Ben," Nodding at the brown haired boy, "And his friends Tyler and Josh." Nodding again to the dark haired boy and blonde. Miley continues. "Lora and Josh go out, so he's off limits, which is a shame but yea..." She blushes slightly before she speaks again and she glances at me, slightly embarrassed. "Michelle and Tyler went out for about a month, but had to break up because of complications with the situation, you know dating your twins friend can be weird so yea. So there is kind of only Ben but then again he is Michelle's twin and that would probably not be the best, plus I'm pretty sure that Aria has a little crush on him but Michelle doesn't know so don't tell--"
"Hey! Variel? Nice name by the name, I don't think we have met?" I turn from Miley to face Michelle, who was smiling.
"Hi yea, thanks, your name is nice too." Urghhhh awkward conversation... "And yea, I don't know if Aria told you," giving her a glance "I moved here from Dunedin." Mitchelle's eyes widen with excitement.
"Oh, my gosh. I come from Dunedin too! Except I moved here when I was 8 so I'm used to Wellington."
"Oh wow," I reply, "Small world right?"
She grins. "Defiantly."
The rest of interval zooms by and I enjoy myself. The only thing that made me a little uncomfortable was the fact that Tyler was staring at me, Michelle's ex. Which was weird. I hope Michelle didn't notice, she is nice and I didn't want to screw up our possible friendship before it even started, so I ignore him and try to focus on what Aria and Michelle are talking about instead.....

The Edge (On Hold)
WerewolfStarting a new school in Year 13 is tough, especially when you don't know anyone. Bummer that Variel Devlin doesn't have much choice. She imagines just getting through her last year at school peacefully, but how wrong she is. When she meets Darius M...