Chapter 3

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~Izuku's POV~

Step by step, I'm going to get closer to Kacchan! I made a lot of progress yesterday. He actually began to treat me nicely. I did embarrass myself though... I felt bad for cutting it short.
      I rolled out of my bed and walked to the bathroom. I preformed my daily routine and put on my uniform. As I fixed my collar and did my tie, I noticed a red mark on the side of my neck. Maybe a bug bit me on my way home yesterday...
      I shrugged it off and continued on with my morning.
      While walking toward the entrance of the school, Iida greeted me and we had our usual morning conversation.
"So, today is the test. Are you ready for it?" He questioned.
"Yeah, I studied with Kacchan yesterday...."
"You studied with Bakugo?" He asked surprised. I explained my reasons and he commended me for trying.
"Just be careful," he warned, "he might try to do something."
"I'll be fine. Kacchan isn't that type of person."
      We walked into the classroom. I listened to the separate conversations about the upcoming test as I sat patiently in my seat.
"Hey Deku..." Uraraka walked over to me.
"Um... Mina just pointed out something to me."
"What is it? Is something wrong?" I asked, concerned.
"It has to do with that mark on your neck..." She elaborated.
"Oh this? I noticed it this morning. I figured it was a bug bite or something."
I explained.
"Well, it looks a lot like a hickey..."
I heard Kacchan laugh in front of me.
"A h-hickey!" My face reddened, "how could I have possibly gotten a hickey?" I questioned, surprise by what she said.
"Alright class, settle down." Aizawa sensei interrupted. "Your test is about to begin."
      How am I supposed to focus with this thought in my head? How did this happen to me? Was I sexually assaulted and I don't remember? No, that's stupid. Was it girl? Or was it... Kacchan? No way. He would never do anything like this, to me especially. But that's the only possible explanation that makes sense... Now is not the time to think about this! I have to focus.
We were each handed our examinations. I easily breezed by the questions, remembering each and everything I studied with Kacchan. I finished writing my last thought with time to spare.
Maybe I should mentally prepare myself for the next part of the test. I wonder if Kacchan is going to take my advice into consideration... I did put a lot of thought into it.

Did Kacchan do something to me while I was asleep?

      I jumped at my sudden thought. The hairs on the back of my next stood up on its ends. I placed my hand over the red spot. What if he did? What does that mean? Come on Izuku... get over yourself. There's no way he would ever do that. That would imply that he had sexual interests in me and that's highly unlikely.
      Before I knew it, time had run out. Aizawa sensei collected the papers and prepared us for the next part of the exam. He took us to the mock city and called out the order we would be going in. Sadly, we weren't allowed to watch each other's, nor talk about it until everyone had gone because it would spoil the 'surprise'.
      When it was my turn, I was put into a situation where hostages were involved. Although they were only dummies, I reassured them that everything was going to be okay. I tried by best to handle the situation calmly with the least amount of violence. I was able to take it so seriously because they played real audio clips from actually hostage situations. I felt a chill go my spine when I heard a blood curdling scream come from one of the 'hostages'. I could only imagine how terrified they felt. I hope that one day, I will be able to give the same confident and reassuring smile that All Might has. But right now... my future was not looking so good. I panicked and almost messed up right at the end. I still managed to take back control of the situation, but if this were the real deal, it would not have been that easy.
      When I completed my task, Aizawa congratulated me over the loud speaker, then gave me permission to return to the others. The rest of them completed the test and huddled over to begin to talk about it. As usual, Kacchan evaded the conversation, but glanced at Todoroki with a particularly arrogant expression. He probably wanted to acknowledge how he succeeded at staying calm, unlike Todoroki had predicted. I laughed at his attempt to get Todoroki's attention. He noticed and shot me a glare.
      Aizawa sensei congratulated the class and thanked us for our hard work. He then dismissed us to the lockers rooms. As the group split into two and walked towards the shower area, Aizawa called over Kacchan and I. "So, I noticed the both of you had awfully similar techniques when dealing with that situation." He pointed out.
      Wait... does this mean Kacchan took my advice?
      I look over at him for confirmation. But, he turned his head the other way.
I take that as a yes. Then remembered I had to explain to Aizawa sensei...
"Well-I um... I... w-we" I stammered.
He sighed, "no need to explain, I'm just glad to know you guys are getting along." Kacchan grunted to himself.
"Yes, of course." I replied.
"Alright, run along now."
      We silently walked to the locker room. The others just getting out the shower. We began to get ready for a shower ourselves.
      I undressed myself, leaving a towel around my waist. I quickly leaped into to closest shower and turned on the water, adjusting it to my liking. I heard someone enter the shower next to me, I assume that was Kacchan. I heard the chatter from the guys get muffled as they left the locker room, leaving the two of us alone.

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