Chapter 7

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~Kacchan's POV~

I took in the silence while walking back to Deku's house. The soft breeze blowing the hair off of my forehead. Deku was focused on the ground ahead of him, occasionally looking down at his feet. His hands hung by his sides, grazing mine every few seconds. Before I knew it, my fingers moved, about to curl around his own. I was interrupted by him moving away from me, walking to his front door. He gave me a nervous glance before placing his hand on the doorknob. I gave him a reassuring nod. He slowly opened the door only to find his mom still on the couch. Her head was leaned back and her mouth wide open. She had fallen asleep. I caught a glimpse of Deku smiling at the sight.
We continued on creeping towards his room, being careful not to wake her up. Once again, Deku let out a breath that he didn't seem to know he was holding. He plopped on his bed after locking his door. I sat beside him. We stood there in silence before he broke it.
"Hey Kacchan... I have a question."
"It better not be stupid." I said, hearing the seriousness in his voice. He got up and began walking in slow circles. My eyes followed him. "Well, I guess it is kinda stupid but, it's been really bothering me and this is the only thing that makes sense, so I thought I should bring it up because I feel like you've hinting at it but at the same time I have no idea why you would even do something like this in the first place-" he cut himself off when he noticed he was rambling without even ending a single sentence. He stopped walking circles and stood parallel to the wall, facing me. "I-I wanted to ask... w-were you the one that did this to me?" He stuttered while pointing to his neck. I pushed myself off of his bed and began stepping towards him. "And so what if I did?"
"W-Well... I just want to know why." He mumbled at his feet. "Why do I have to have a reason?" I said, basically confirming his suspicions. I inched closer and pushed him against the wall. "Kacchan..." he whispered. Our bodies just centimeters apart.
"What?" His breathing grew heavier. He looked up at me. His eyes were riddled with confusion. His face was red. I was caught his gaze, unable to break away.
"Kiss me." I said just under my breath.
He took a sharp inhale, surprised by my sudden request. I paused there for a moment; waiting for him to do what I had asked. He only stood there staring back at me, speechless.


      I slowly reeled back. I moved my arm from beside his head, ignoring the fact that I didn't remember putting it there. I backed away, closing my eyes trying to also ignore my disappointment.
All of a sudden, I felt his lips smash into my own. He threw his arms around my neck. I moved my lips to match his rhythm. I placed my hands on his waist, pulling him closer. I softly pulled away. He eagerly moved his face closer. I let his lips brush against mine, teasing him. He gripped onto the back of my shirt, basically demanding me to continue. I pressed my lips back against his. His speed quickened. He filled all of my senses. The world around me began to fade away. I pushed him back against the wall, not being able to think straight. I rested my hand on his cheek. He pulled me closer, leaving no space between us. I pressed my tongue against the seam of his lips. He parted them, turning our comfortable kiss sloppy. I could feel his heart beating against my chest. He jumped up, wrapping his legs around my waist. I moved towards his bed, laying him on his back as I loomed over him. I trailed my lips to his cheek. He flipped us over so that I was on my back as he straddled me. He kissed my neck and moving his way down to my collarbone. He giggled at the idea giving me a taste of my own medicine. I grabbed his waist and pulled it against my own, making him grind against me. A soft moan escaped his lips. I sat up, making him straddle my lap. My hand crept up his hoodie. He pressed his lips back against mine, running his fingers through my hair. I traced my finger along the band of his pants.
"Izuku?" His mom called from the other side of the door while knocking. "Ah! One second!" Deku clumsily jumped off of me and scurried to the door. He cracked it open, "What's up, mom?" He nervously laughed. "Well, I was just wondering if you guys would like a snack." I walked up behind him and opened the door wider. "It's fine. I was just about to leave anyway." I said politely. Deku looked up at me, not knowing what expression to make. "Oh, well it was a pleasure having you over, Kacchan!" She said gleefully. I nodded and placed my hand on Deku's back. I dragged it along the fabric of his hoodie as I walked through the door. I felt him shiver at my touch, making me smirk.

~Izuku's POV~

      We said our goodbyes and I locked myself in my room. I leaned against the door and slid down to the ground. I placed my hand on my chest, feeling my heart. I went over the events that just happened in my head. My face felt hot.
      What just happened? What does this mean? We just... kissed. No, we did more than kiss. WE JUST MADE OUT.
Why did he ask me to? Why did I listen? I couldn't control myself.
      I placed my fingers on my lips. I still felt his warmth on my skin. I still felt his strong grip on my waist. I still felt his beating heart against my chest.
      What is this feeling? Why can't I get him out of my head? I have so many questions. But all I know... is that I want that to happen again.

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