Chapter 4

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~Izuku's POV~

      I always shower with abnormally hot water. Although I dislike the steam that comes with it, I really like the way it feels when it hits my skin. It clears my head of all of its racing thoughts... and I've had plenty of those today.
I bathed myself with the soap I had brought along with me. I turned off the water and patted myself dry with my towel. I walked towards my bags to get my belongings. I shivered as the cold air hit my skin. As I walked, I passed a mirror. It was scratched and mischievous messages written all over it... and the occasional doodles of phallic objects. As I inspected it further, I immediately placed my eye on the VERY noticeable mark on my neck. I moved closer.
I jumped when I heard a small maniacal laugh right behind me. I whipped my head around to face Kacchan. "Y-you scared me!" I stuttered.
"That was the point." He had an amused glint in his eye. He smirked and walked closer to me. With each step he took forward, I took one back. He continued until I couldn't step any further. My skin pressed against the cold glass. I watched his eyes scan over me. For a moment, I felt insecure.
What is he doing? Is he trying to intimidate me? Did I overstep his boundaries? I don't want to reverse all the progress we made!
"Is something wrong?" I asked. He didn't answer. He brought his fingers to my neck. I flinched when his skin touched mine.
"A hickey, huh?" He chuckled.
Neither of us had changed into our clothes yet. We both still had towels wrapped around our waists. I've never seen him without a shirt so up close before. I could see every defining line across his torso. I could barely resist running my fingers along his chest, simply out of curiosity. Every muscle of his was relaxed, unlike mine. I felt my muscles tense up.
"I don't know what it is..." I explained, he frowned. He dragged his fingers down and across my collar bone before dropping his hand back to his side. I felt disappointed when I no longer felt his fingertips tracing over my skin. It gave me a sense of satisfaction to know that he was comfortable enough to touch me.
"You really are naive." He said, barely audible. I tilted my head to the side, confused by what he meant. He took another step forward. He leaned his head down, placing his forehead on my shoulder. I felt his long breaths against my skin. My face reddened.
He sighed, "What's wrong with me?" He asked in a desperate tone.
I can't believe it. It's like all his walls came down in a matter of seconds. He put down his defenses and was opening up to me. He seems so... emotionally venerable. There must be something bothering him. But I think it's best that I don't ask any questions...
I placed my hand on the back of his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug.

Kacchan is hugging me.

My heart fluttered, feeling like it would pop straight out of my chest. I hugged him back, squeezing him tightly.
I began to feel embarrassed as I noticed how we are still in nothing but towels. Our bare torsos pressed against each other. "Katsuki." I whispered under my breath. His grip on my waist tightened. His breathing got heavy. My heart skipped a beat at his reaction. Then he loosened his grip and let go. Again, my body missed the feeling of his touch on my skin. He turned away, grabbed his clothes and began to put them on. I was rendered speechless. I watched as he finished up and walked out through the door.
I can't tell if I'm confused or happy. I guess I'm both.

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