Chapter 8

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~Izuku's POV~

      I did some thinking last night. Maybe Kacchan did that as a way to humiliate me or something. What if he tells everyone at school how I acted and they all avoid me? I wouldn't even be surprised if he recorded the whole thing...
Pushing my thoughts aside, I slid on my shoes and exited through the front door.
      I have no choice but to face it. As much as I'd like to, I can't hide in a hole away from all my problems. I have to face them head on! That's what a pro hero would do!
Feeling confident, I trotted down the street. But... all that confidence abandoned me once I saw kacchan crossing to the side of the street I was walking on. He didn't notice I was there, so I pretended to be oblivious. From the corner of my eye, I saw him stop in his tracks; wondering what to do. He continued walking normally before calling out to me. "Hey, Ass-hat."
My heart dropped, I turned to look at him with a nervous smile on my face. His pace quickened in order to catch up to me. "About yesterday, don't let that give you the wrong idea. I was just testing to see if you were still a huge fucking wuss. And I just got carried away." He explained he his casual angry tone.
      I frowned at his explanation, but quickly hid it. "Oh yeah! That's what I figured in the first place! Haha... well I actually thought you were going to hold it against me and humiliate me or something..." I said scratching the back of my head. We stood silent—sensing the awkwardness.
      He sighed and pulled out his wallet. He played with it in his hands before pulling out a couple of bills. "I... I'm sorry." He handed me the money and rubbed his face with his other hand. I giggled and gave it back it him. "I don't need money. Don't worry! I'm fine."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN DON'T WORRY?! I DIDN'T CARE ANYWAY! I WASN'T TRYING TO BE NICE TO YOU OR WHATEVER! YOUR LUCKY THAT I'M EVEN WILLING TO COMPENSATE FOR TAKING YOUR FIRST KISS!" He yelled, nearly popping a vein in his forehead. I'm pretty sure he just scared all the birds in a 3 mile radius.
      I smiled, as he pouted his lips and crossed his arms. "What about you? Wasn't it your first kiss too?" I asked, mocking him in a sweet tone. "SHUT UP, YOU LITTLE SHIT! I'LL BLOW YOU TO SHREDS! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME!" He denied. His face became bright pink. Once again, I couldn't help but giggle.
      We walked the rest of the way to school side by side, enjoying the sweet silence.
We walked through the crowds of people at the entrance of the school. They loitered around in order to procrastinate having go in. I glanced over at Kacchan. He sported his signature frown along with his furrowed eyebrows. But his cheeks were still a shade of pink. We walked into our classroom. It was filled with its usual chatter. We took our seats and waited to start our school day.

~Katsuki's POV~

That brat. He must be feeling confident now that I'm hanging out with him a little. He should be thanking me! I have much more important things to do than playing stupid games with him.  Even so....

I want to spend more time with him.

      I can't stand it. His obnoxious laugh and irritating smile. His stupid freckles and messy hair. His sensitive skin and soft lips. His gentle kisses and quiet moans. His heavy breathing and muscular torso. His beating heart. I want more. I need more.
      Is this how he feels too, or is it just me? He has to feel it if he likes me, right? But... does that mean I like him too? No. There's no way I would let that happen.
      As Aizawa finished up his lesson, the class was dismissed to lunch. I gathered my things and began to head to the cafeteria. As I was walking down hall, Deku grabbed my hand to get my attention. An electric feeling shot up my arm. "Hey Kacchan, do you want to eat together?" He asked in a tone that would make people think he was a little kid. I acted like it was a burden, but I nodded my head yes anyway. "Um, Midoriya?" My head whipped over to Todoroki, whom was walking towards us. Deku let go of my hand that he had kept in his grip until now. My eye twitched at Todoroki interrupting us.  "Oh yeah! I have to talk to Todoroki about something. Is it okay if he joins us?" Deku asked me.
Todoroki interrupted me before I could answer, "Wait, you guys are sitting together? Maybe it's best that we postpone this conversation. I wouldn't want to intrude."
"Oh no, it's fine. We don't mind." Deku responded before waiting for my input. "I never said that." I said angrily. They began walking without responding to what I said. "Hey! Don't ignore me!" I yelled, following after them.

Why do I even bother?

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