Chapter 5

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~Katsuki's POV~

I walked out of the locker room without saying a word to Deku. My pulse, racing. I could feel my face getting hot. When he whispered my name—it felt like my heart would burst out my chest. Almost like if I let it go, it would float away. It's such a strange sensation... and yet, I want to hear him say it again. I want him to say my name while his arm are wrapped, tightly around me, again and again. Even if it begins to annoy me.
What is wrong with me? Why am I having these thoughts? I can't get him out of my head. I CAN'T STAND IT! THIS IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! HE IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! That brat is getting in my way. I have no time for someone like him. But why is there still a part of me that wants to spend all of my time with him?
I hastily exited the building. Not knowing what to do with all of my built up agitation, I sprinted with all of my might. I ran. That's all I could think of doing. I ran and ran, ignoring my lungs gasping for air. Ignoring my legs getting tried, begging for a break. Unwillingly, my body forced me to slow down. I gave up and stopped at a light post, resting my hand on it. Still not done with my outburst, I began punching it. Once again, ignoring the pain. I stopped when I started leaving red streaks behind on the metal. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

So much for keeping it cool...

I gathered my thoughts and continued on my way home, taking the longest route. When I finally arrived, I plopped in my bed, being careful not to get blood on my sheets. I closed my eyes, thinking about nothing in particular. Then, I began to doze off.
My dreams were calm, taking me to a place where life felt simple. Sometimes, I wish that it wasn't my dream to become a hero. Or that quirks didn't exist in the first place. Humans have added some many additional problems to there lives. Why can't we go back to eat, sleep and repeat? And maybe throw in a bit of socializing.
I woke up about an hour later, feeling considerably calmer. I stretched out my fingers, forgetting about the dry blood that coated them. I walked to the bathroom and washed it of with warm water. I hissed at the pain. I tried my best to treat it. I grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around my knuckles. I've never been very good at this kind of stuff.
Once I finished, I made my way to the kitchen. I opened the freezer and grabbed a frozen dinner. I popped it in the microwave and attempted to push the buttons. The fingers on my injured hand couldn't extend as far as I wanted them to. I kept missing each button, only adding to my frustrations. But I didn't have enough energy to yell at it. I gave up and used my other hand. I watched as my dinner rotated in the cancer box, listening to its signature humming sound. When it beeped, I grabbed it, burning my hand a bit. I took it back to my room and ate it apprehensively, but I noticed that I didn't even have an appetite. I forced myself to eat it anyway. I threw the empty container in the trash, then I changed into my pjs. I got under my covers and, once again, I drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, I sleepily got out of bed, not wanting to go to school. Good thing today is Friday. I did everything I had to do—including eating the breakfast my mom left for me on the kitchen counter.
      I took my time walking to school. I'm not ready to face Deku after that bastard saw that side of me. I walked the class room and strolled to my desk.
"What's up man!" Kirishima greeted me, leaning against my desk. I shrugged and looked the over way. "So, how's it going with that girl?" He asked in the most annoying voice he could produce. I Scoffed at him. I opened my mouth to respond, but I was interrupted.
"A girl?" Deku asked. I squeezed my eyes close.

This is the last thing I wanted.

"Yeah, apparently a girl confessed to him the other day." Kirishima answered for me.
"Really? That's so cool Kacchan!" He exclaimed.
It's not true but... why isn't he bothered by that? Isn't he crushing on me?
"By the way Kacchan, I'm really happy that you took my advice for the exam." He smiled.
"Well... Aizawa sensei said..." he fiddled with his fingers. I sighed, I don't have it in me to yell at him.
"Fine. I might've taken some of it into consideration." I said, not looking him in the eyes as He lit up with joy. In the corner of my eye, I saw Kirishima with a surprised expression.
"Woah, what happed to your hand?" Deku asked reaching towards it. He grabbed it and started to examine it. He trailed his fingers across the bandage.
"It's nothing." I responded, snatching my hand away.
"So... um, anyway... I-I was wondering..." Deku stammered.
"Spit it out already."
"Do you want to do something this weekend...? Like together? On Sunday..." He asked as his face turned a bright red.
Kirishima's eyes darted back and forth behind the two of us as if he was following a tennis ball fly from player to player across a court.
I stood silent for a few seconds, allowing the anticipation to rise. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked-"
"Sure." I responded, clasping my hands behind my neck. Both of them were speechless. Then, almost as if on queue, the two of them yelled, "What?"

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