Death washed up on shore

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Hi guys! thanks so much for all of these amazing comments! Even though, sadly, I only own one of these stories.
Comment which one you think it is :3
"Hey! Mom, Dad, look! Look what washed up on shore!" The two girls raced to the umbrella where their parents lay reading and soaking up sun. "It's a message bottle! Look!"
Their father sat up, interested..."Let's see, girls..." he took the sea-worn bottle and rolled it over . It did have a piece of paper crumpled carelessly inside, and was corked with a chunk of wood. The girls watched breathlessly as he worked the paper out, smoothed it carefully, and read:
I hope someone finds this. I think I'm the only one left who hasn't gotten sick yet. Almost everybody else here is dead. My parents died, too. They flew us all here as soon as people in our town started getting sick and dying, and they destroyed the plane. I don't think anyone even knows where we all went. Please come get me. My name is David Hess, but I don't know where we are, except it's an island, and it's warm. Please come look for me.
It was dated nearly two years before. "Hmm...interesting, but probably just a joke, girls," their father said.
"Yes, likely just some prank." their mother agreed. "Now, I'm ready to go--I have a bit of a headache. Let's pack up.."
"Yeah, I've had enough sun, t--ah-CHOOO!" their father sneezed, a wet, messy spray...."Ugh! ...Here's your bottle, girls. I'm not feeling so great, either. Definitely time to go."
"Nah--we don't want that ol' bottle. I feel dizzy, Daddy, can you carry me to the car?" the younger girl asked.
He picked her up, and the family walked slowly back up the dunes, already sneezing, already infected.

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