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     Manaka's P.O.V.

As I'm walking with this little girl. I ask her what her parents look lke. "Well, I was with my dad today and he has black hair, blue eyes, jeans and a rick and morty t-shirt." "Wow, thanks thats a lot of detail that'll help me." "Also if I see my mom she has her work clothes on today which are a white shirt, black jeans, blonde hair and white eyes." Dang this little girl can renember little detail(for a 6year old).

Mizu's P.O.V.

I reach the school and in time too. Thank the lordsssss. ° v°  I tell the office that manaka is sick and will come back tomorrow.

Manaka's P.O.V.

What seems like still walking there is no miracial.

Got to go my sister id sittings on me litteraly got f9 fh

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