Long Knives in a Dark Alley

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"Well, I'm glad that's over and done," Ame said, kicking a stone as she strolled down the street. "Alright, I think firstly we need to find where this gang of... Whatever they're called, we need to find their location. Then we scout it out." 

"The Blue Enclave," Rudolf offered.

"Right, that."

"A blue scarf..." Soren murmured "Inspector Dravot showed us all a blue scarf, yes?" They all nodded. "I recognized the fabric as being from the East. Mr Rosenberg was killed with a blue scarf, only the night after speaking with us about Samuel Heron and the Enclave of the Blue Pearl..."

Before they could properly follow this train of thought, Ame stopped short in her tracks and exclaimed, "Oh shoot, anyone have the time? Judging by the sun, I'm late for an appointment with a patient. Alright, I'm gonna split off from you guys for now. I'll re-join you in a little bit. Shouldn't be too long!" She waved to them and started off. The others said goodbye to her, a little perplexed by this, but Ame occasionally left suddenly for something or other, and they didn't often question her about it. Rudolf however was suspicious. "Appointment? For some reason, that doesn't sound quite right..."

She was quickly out of sight, and the three men continued walking together, though they themselves were not sure where.

"Where shall we go now? Back to Jenkins, or what?"

"Aye, that's what I was thinking."

"We should ask around town some more, but stick together," Soren said.

"Ask ol' Jenkins. That man knows a lot."

"If not for the police business, I would have met with Laura at the library where she usually spends her Saturday mornings," Rudolf thought to himself. Out loud he said, "I was planning on visiting someplace today after breakfast, but if you'd like us to do some looking around first, I'm alright with that, Soren."

"Ah, thank you, Rudolf."

"Aye, let's go back to Ol' Jenkins and ask around there."

Rudolf resigned to sticking with them a little longer. It wouldn't be long, and it would be unkind to leave Soren now. After all, what could happen before then? "Did Inspector Dravot ask you two for an alibi for last night?"

The two other men answered in the affirmative.

"3:00am! Ha! Anyway, what were you going to do today, if not for this matter?" But before Robert or Soren could answer, the boy Katoa appeared running up to them.

"Aye, it's that kid!"

Katoa ran till he was among them. He spoke rapidly and without prologue. "Guys, there are people trying to kill you!"

The three looked at him in surprise and disbelief.

"Guys trying ta kill us?"


"What on earth are you saying?"

"I overheard them," he panted, still catching his breath. "They said that they were going to lure you into an alley. Seven of them."

"Why are you telling us?"

"Aye, and how do we know we can trust ye?"

The boy spoke slower. "I don't like thugs, or the cops. And y'all're good people. I just like honest people. I've seen too few around here..."

The three exchanged glances, turning this news over.

Rudolf was the most skeptical. "We hardly know each other."

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