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At the law's command above, the scene in the warehouse basement froze. Soren and Jack each took a step away from each other and looked up, as did Robert and Katoa. Ame appeared to have fainted.

"I hate cops," Katoa murmured.

The constable who had called out slid down the ladder. He was immediately followed by a second and a third, each brandishing a pistol. "All of you, hands up now!" the first officer ordered.

Soren, Katoa, Robert, and the ruffians obeyed.

"It's safe to come down, sir!" one of the lawmen called up.

More officers flooded the hall, each holding a pistol. "Stand against the wall facing it! You two as well!" Outnumbered, outgunned, and out of breath, everyone obeyed. "Hello, boys," Katoa said over his shoulder. "This was just a friendly scuffle."

Soren's cursed beneath his breath. Is that where Rudolf went? To the police?

"Good heavens!" exclaimed one of the police upon seeing Ame and Smythe sitting against the wall, their chests leaking with blood. "We need a doctor!"

"By Jove! This man's dead!"

Katoa smirked. "Rest in peace."

"What about her?" another cop said.

"She's still alive, but who knows for how much longer."

Then they heard a familiar voice murmur, "What have you gotten into...?" They all turned their heads to see Rudolf standing among the police.

"I knew it!" Robert exclaimed bitterly.

"Shut up Robert!" Rudolf snapped back. "Sure you knew it, and I knew it too!"

"C'mon man," Katoa groaned. "We were having fun."

There were two officers kneeling by Ame now, one of whom was Inspector Dravot. Ame whimpered weakly.

"Ah, shit." Rudolf ran over to Ame and knelt by her side. He looked at her pale face and blood soaked dress.

"She's still alive, but she'll need a doctor soon," Dravot said. "Bullet wound they tell me. Smythe on the other hand, is dead."

"Ame, can you hear me?"

He eyes opened blearily for a moment.

"She appears to be unconscious," Dravot continued. "Or at most, half-conscious."

Rudolf looked up at the others. "And you killed Smythe!?"

"Yep," Katoa said.

"Technically, that fellow over there shot him," Soren added. "We just stabbed him."

"It was an accident," the guilty ruffian cried. "I swear!"

An officer shouted back, "Tell it to the judge!"

"Are there any more Enclave members left here?" Rudolf asked no one in particular.

"You men!" Dravot ordered, "begin searching, but cautiously." A few officers ran down the hallway, guns at the ready.

Presently another officer climbed down the ladder saying, "I've got a doctor, I've got a doctor!" The doctor deftly descended behind the officer and went straight to Ame's side. He was a thin, older man with a fox-like face and small round glasses. Without a word, he opened his bag and set to work.

"Thank you, Lawrence," the inspector said. "Now go fetch some reinforcements."

Officer Lawrence saluted to Dravot and climbed back up to carry out this order.

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