Escape from the Evening Star

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Inspector Dravot and the party of officers hurriedly climbed up the ladder to battle the unknown attackers. Officer Carnehan alone remained to watch the suspects - Soren, Robert, Katoa, Ame, and the four Evening Star ruffians. The sounds of a fight, gunshots, tramping feet and yelling, came from above the trap door. Presently, Rudolf came running back into the room from the hallway from whence he left.

"Oi, Dad!" Ame shouted.

Rudolf looked around the room in a huff. "What's happening? Did Dr LeFey come through here? Who's attacking?"

"Haven't seen a sign of the doctor," Carnehan said. "And we don't know who's attacking."

"Wait, is LeFey Robin?" Ame asked. "Is he calling himself that?"

"Ame, you said that name before," Rudolf said. "Who is Robin?"

"Robin is some idiot who won't leave me alone, no matter how many times I tell him to leave."

"Was Robin the one who was just here and treated you, Ame?"

Ame ignored question and looked down the hallway. "Who's that stranger?"

Carnehan peered into the hallway, and aimed his pistol at the figure hanging back therein. "Oi, you there! Come over here with your hands up!"

"I'd rather not come over there quite now, thanks," Jaeger said coolly.

"Who in the name of the Music are you?" Soren asked. He drew his sword and held it cautiously.

Jaeger casually leaned against the wall and grinned, apparently unfazed by the threat of a bullet. "Your newest friend, apparently."

"You look weird," Ame said. "I'm sorry for your mum. So what's your name, elfie? I'm gonna call you that, now, so get used to it. Unless, of course, I come up with a better name for you."

"Rudolf, you know this man?" Soren asked.

"Hardly, I only met him three minutes ago," Rudolf said. "His name's Jaeger. He's a criminal I had due release due to... unusual circumstances. I went back looking for that cursed Dr LeFey, and-"

"Well, you brought back something really ugly." Ame grinned. "I'd return it to the garbage shoot. Better to come back with nothing at all than that thing."

"Oh my, it speaks," Jaeger joked back. "And it seems now I have two people that hate me in this little group."

Jack, Slice, and the other two ruffians, still standing up against the wall, began whispering to each other frantically and making pointed glances at Jaeger.

"I told you to be quiet!" Carnehan shouted at them.

Several gunshots rang out up the ladder, drawing Rudolf's attention. "I am going up to take a look at the fight," Rudolf said, running to the ladder. "Soren, Carnaham, you two are in charge. No one fight anyone!"

"Right!" Soren said.

"No, wait, Mr Barn!" Carnehan said. "I don't think I'll be able to hold them myself!"

Rudolf stopped with his foot on the first rung and attempted to quickly explain who was who before rushing up. "Carnehan, Soren is a good man, Robert and Katoa are good enough, Ame is too weak to be trouble. Keep a gun on the fellows and Jaeger."

"Hang on, wait! I want to know, what's going on here?"

"Nobody knows, Carnie," Ame said. "We never know what's going on."

"I'll explain later, Carnehan. Soren can tell you whatever you need to know for now." The others watched from below as Rudolf climbed up the ladder. He got to halfway before he paused and sniffed the air. It had begun subtly, but grew stronger so that now everyone detected the scent of smoke, wafting from above. He quickly resumed his ascent and peered out the trap door into the warehouse main room.

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