Where Rudolf Went

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Rudolf waited until they turned the corner, then turned around and headed for what he hoped would be help. Even as he ran, he cursed himself, feeling sure the others would despise him for it, but seeing no other option.

Rudolf burst into the lobby of the police station. There was one officer going through a stack of papers at the front desk. He looked up as Rudolf strode quickly across the room to him. "May I speak with Inspector Dravot?"

The officer responded with professional precision. "I'm afraid he's busy at the moment. He should be free in a few minutes. You're welcome to wait here in the meantime."

"Thank you." Rudolf turned and sat in the same chair he had last time he was here. Was it only yesterday? Yes, only yesterday morning, though so much had happened. I hope this works...

After a few minutes, the door of Dravot's office opened. He and a gentleman emerged.

"Alright then, thank you, Mr Smythe," Dravot was saying. The three men stared at each other a moment in surprise.

"So this is Smythe!" Rudolf thought with a shrewd smile. "Right here in the police station! How perfect! Now if this can be played right..."

Smythe pointed at him and exclaimed, "That's one of them!"

Inspector Dravot sighed. "Rudolf Barn, I arrest you under suspicion of the murder of Jonah Rosenberg."

Rudolf opened and shut his mouth confusedly. He had come here himself to talk about Smythe, and now he was being arrested at his request? "Alright," He finally replied. "I have enough faith in the law. I will help how I can; that is why I am here."

An officer approached with a pair of handcuffs.

"Is this necessary?" Rudolf said. "I am right here."

Dravot shook his head and raised his hand. "No need for that. Take him to a holding cell. I will be with you for questioning in a moment."

"Thank you," said Rudolf. He was led into a small room different from the one he was in last time, but was built exactly the same: same bare walls, same two chairs and simple wooden table between. Rudolf sat and the officer walked out and closed the door. Bloody hell...

After what seemed like a frustratingly long time, the Inspector walked in and sat across from him. "Now then, Rudolf. Where are your friends from yesterday? Mr. Smythe has presented evidence against them as well."

"Oh Dravot, this is a mess! Has Smythe left?"

"Yes, he has. Do you know where you friends are currently?"

"I think so, but there is much I need to tell you first. Oh God, where to begin?" Rudolf ran his hand over his face as he tried to collect his thoughts. "First, something was mentioned yesterday, that I don't think got the attention it deserves. What do you know of the Enclave of the Blue Pearl?"

Dravot shook his head. "Never heard of it."

"Really? Alright, what if I told you we found a criminal organization's headquarters? And what if I told you we were attacked by men in an alley after we left the station yesterday? Men who claimed to be hired by Smythe!"

"Ah, I know them. Your friend turned them in this morning."

"Yes! Yes, he did, and how did that go?"

"They have been released on Mr. Smythe's request."


"According to him, it was you who attacked them, and then you attempted to break into his warehouse."

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