The Rusty Anchor

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The Rusty Anchor was set up much the same as Jenkins, as well as any tavern in that part of the Empire. But it had a different feel to it - less homey and safe, and more shady and edgy. It was full of boisterous hoodlums drinking, smoking, and gambling. Still, it looked like the perfect place to lay low. Packed to bursting with all kinds of people, no one would notice two more.

Soren and Rudolf blended right in with the crowd and looked for a spot to sit and talk. Soon, a cute young red headed waitress squeezed through the crowd towards them. "Evening gents, you want a-" The young woman froze, a smile instantly spreading on her lips. "Rudy!"

A sheepish grin spread on Rudolf's face. "Ah, erm, good evening, Laura."

Soren smiled wide and looked between the two. "This is Laura?"

"Um, yes, Soren, this is Laura, Laura, this is-"

"Yes, I know," Laura said, beaming, and reaching her hand forward to shake Soren's. "It's nice to meet you, Soren; I've heard so much about you."

Soren bowed as he took her hand, and planted a quick and reverent kiss on it. "Likewise. Tis a pleasure and honor."

"You're exactly like Rudolf described you," Laura said, beaming and blushing a little. "Rudy, why didn't you tell me you two'd be coming?"

"Well, we didn't know until five minutes ago," Rudolf answered. "It was decided rather on the spur of the moment."

"Well, I'm very glad you did. Table for two then?"

"Yes, if that's not too much trouble," Rudolf responded, the same twinkle in his eye.

"Right." Laura turned around and called, "Oi, Fergus, we need another table!" The bartender, apparently Fergus, looked over at them. "Bahh!" He motioned to an assistant who squeezed a small extra table into the corner and bid Soren and Rudolf to sit down. "Can I get you anything?" she asked.

Rudolf remembered they had not eaten dinner. Nor had he eated anything except those sardines and toast. "My usual, fish and chips and a beer, please."

"I'll have an ale," Soren said.

"Alright, coming right up." The young waitress smiled again and walked away.

"Why on earth didn't you tell me you were seeing someone?" Soren exploded as soon as she was out of ear shot.

"I was going to! I swear, I was going to today, but it hasn't exactly been a normal Saturday."

Soren was grinning, apparently enjoying the discovery as much as Ame had the evening before. "Well, she seems like a lovely woman."

"Loveliest in the world, I'll have you know."

"So, tell me about her. We have time now while we wait for your fish and chips, and for Jack and Slice to give up searching for us."

Rudolf leaned back and scratched his face meditatively. "Alright. As you can see, she works here. About a month ago, I came one evening after work with some fellow dockworkers for a drink. I saw something in her and started frequenting the place. I asked her out last week, and that's where we are now."

"Well, I'm happy for you. You deserve a good woman. Do you think, well, I mean-"

"I think I do," Rudolf answered. "I grant it hasn't been long, but... Soren, since the war, you've been the best friend I could wish for. And I am content with my work at the docks - well, for the most part, and at least for now. But all of this, since coming home after the war, has felt like a kind of waiting. I haven't been unhappy, but I've been waiting. And I think I've been waiting for her. I look at my uniform in my closet and I see my past. I sit in Jenkins with you and the others and am in the present. But when I look at her... I see a future."

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