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seokjin finished up his work quite promptly after mr.jeon left. he didn't have anything else to do, and he didn't want to do anything unprofessional, so he sat and waited.

during mr.jeon's meeting, something fell over him. he could not, for the life of him, understand the thoughts he was thinking. his brain was running wild about seokjin. 'he's so cute, everything he does is adorable.' 'he's so squishy, his cheeks are so round.' 'what a beautiful figure he has.' 'his waist is so slim, it's so feminine.' 'i wonder what he would look like bent over my desk-' the meeting was called to an end, and mr.jeon rushed out, not caring one bit that he had ignored the entire meeting. all he wanted to do was go back to his office and see seokjin. it didn't matter what seokjin was doing, mr.jeon just wanted to see him. when he returned, seokjin was just sitting. but apparently, he had startled seokjin when he came in, as the young boy had let out a small yelp and had knocked his cup of pens onto the floor.

"h-hello, mr.jeon." seokjin said, getting up to walk around his desk and pick up his pens.

"sorry for scaring you." mr.jeon said, not moving from his standing position near the door. seokjin bent down to pick up the pens that had fallen, and from where mr.jeon was standing, he got a quite enjoyable view of seokjin's backside. mr.jeon liked it, but his conscience said no.

'don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass. don't look at his ass.'

'oops, you looked at his ass. just don't think about fucking him.'

'don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him. don't think about fucking him.'

'oops, looks like you thought about it.' mr.jeon quickly had to sit down and look away from seokjin before his "second head" did something inappropriate. he sat for a moment before reality caught up to him. 'DID I REALLY JUST THINK ABOUT FUCKING MY NINETEEN YEAR OLD ASSISTANT.' mr.jeon couldn't believe himself. he glanced at his watch which read 3:30. only 1 and a half more hours.

seokjin had placed the cup of pens back onto his desk and walked shakily back to his desk to retrieve the pages that mr.jeon asked him to retype. he walked over to mr.jeon who was sitting and tapping his pen on the pile of papers he was looking at.

"s-sir," seokjin began. mr.jeon could feel his manhood twitch at the name he had just been called and internally punched himself for it. "here are the papers y-you asked me to retype." seokjin continued. mr.jeon nodded

"thank you, seokjin." he looked at his watch again. 3:45. an hour fifteen left. seokjin still stood next to mr.jeon's desk.

"i-is there anything else f-for me t-to help with, sir." seokjin asked, trying his absolute hardest to keep his eyes fixed on mr.jeon's.



"why are you so nervous around me? you stutter a lot and your eyes don't stay put when i'm talking to you."

"w-well," seokjin began. was there a reason? "i guess it's kind of b-because you're sort of, y-you know, i-intimidating." seokjin said, the end raising in pitch as if he were asking a question. seokjin regretted saying that. what if mr.jeon was insulted? would he beat him up? would he fire him? seokjin's thoughts were running wild until he was cut off by mr.jeon.

"is that so?" he said, standing up and easily towering over the timid boy in front of him. mr.jeon felt so dominant over seokjin, and he loved it. seokjin, on the other hand, felt like he was about to pass out. mr.jeon was definitely going to beat him up. his devilish gaze sent shivers throughout seokjin's body, and seokjin forced himself to look up to the man infront of him. mr.jeon took a step forward, and seokjin took one back. mr.jeon's hunger for dominance only grew more. he put his large hand on seokjin's shoulder, almost covering the whole space. he pushed seokjin back against the wall, and seokjin waited for his impending doom.

"look at me, seokjin." mr.jeon said, noticing how seokjin's head was tilted down and to the side. seokjin looked up, flicking his eyes on and off of mr.jeon every few seconds. mr.jeon's mind was clouded with non stop thoughts about seokjin. 'god, how adorable this boy is.' would be a fine summary of all of those thoughts. mr.jeon moved his rough hand from seokjin's shoulder to cup seokjin's cheek within it. mr.jeon's free hand went to seokjin's side to hold his waist. the contrast between mr.jeon's rough hand and seokjin's dewy cheek was huge, and seokjin's level of cuteness skyrocketed in mr.jeon's mind. seokjin could feel himself trembling. is this how beating someone up starts? mr.jeon was being too... nice right now. mr.jeon bent down to be eye level with seokjin. his face wasn't close to seokjin's but he could feel seokjin's shaky breaths. as if he was taken over by a spirit, mr.jeon leaned in, making their foreheads touch. seokjin's breathing and heart rate increased. his face was extremely red, and wondered if mr.jeon could feel the heat radiating off of it.

"cute." was all mr.jeon said before pulling away. seokjin felt very relieved. if he stayed like that any longer, he would have melted. as his breathing settled, mr.jeon asked him a question. "seokjin, do you have a cell phone?"

"y-yes..." he answered back.

"i would like to give you my phone number. in case of emergency or to call if you can't come in one day." mr.jeon said, knowing that he wanted to give seokjin his phone number for reasons other than work.

"o-okay... it's xxx-xxx-xxxx." mr.jeon entered the number into his phone. he checked the time for the millionth time. 4:00. time passed quickly. the next hour consisted of seokjin typing documents for mr.jeon, being nervous around mr.jeon and being flustered by mr.jeon. mr.jeon was secretly looking at seokjin work through his peripheral vision while pretending to do his own work.

oh? what do you think happens next? were you mad that mr.jeon didn't kiss seokjin? i think you will really enjoy the next chapter 😉

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