Chapter Eight - Testing Loyalty

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Ca stood by Gabriel with a knife held tightly in his hands. He had stolen it from Bobby's armory. They wouldn't miss it. Gabriel took a step forward and squinted at the collection of lowlife demons that had gathered by the old bar. Bikers got of their bikes and walked past then like they were all the same. Gabriel hated the fact that humans were ignorant enough to believe in a demon's false front. They were smarter than that in his opinion.

"What is the plan, Cassie?"

Cas took a deep breath and searched over the empty road from both ends. "We attack and kill."

Gabriel groaned and started to stretch as if he would be running a marathon. "It's been ages since I have put my skills to use. Let's kill some bloody demons."

"Hold up." Cas held his hand out in front of Gabriel as he noticed a new demon walk up. Instantly his whole body grew cold. It was Azazel.

"Holy shit." Gabriel breathed out his nose. "We can't-"

"God dammit. We have to go back." Cas swore under his breath. They couldn't kill Azazel, it was up to Sam. He knew that God had plans for Sam, and Cas couldn't dare interfere. Also, two angels didn't stand a chance against that force of demons.

Part 2

"Sonofabitch." Dean groaned as he opened his eyes to an empty bed. The night before he prayed to Cas. He prayed to come to him and maybe just kiss him goodnight. But no matter how hard he cried out, Cas still hadn't come. And the loneliness and reality of Cas' absence was already weighing down on Dean.

"He isn't far." Samkiel whispered from beside the window.

Dean shut up from his bed and watched her as her eyes scanned out the window. His face reddened which caused a smirk to cross her face.

"How much do you know?" Dean's heart fluttered.

"Everything. And I am happy for the two of you. I lost my love...." Her voice dropped off.

"Love? You're an angel?" Dean sat back down on his bed and wiped the sleep from his eyes. He was almost too used to angels dropping in unexpectedly.

Samkiel looked over at him with a foolish grin. "You two really know nothing. I fell from heaven, maybe a thousand years ago. And during my time I met a woman. She was kind, and took me in while I got used to earth. We never confessed our love, or even got physical... But I loved her with all of my soul. And the night God called me back, she was murdered by demons. My fault, for being close to her. That is why Cas is gone now. He knows the risk of being close to you while the demons are active and building an army."

Silence fell and Dean could feel the complete lose that Samkiel had felt. "What was her name?"

A childish grin poked through a tear. "Akasha. She was frail, but she had a warmness about her. When I was weak, she was by my bed feeding and bathing me. She took care of me, no matter the pain I was. And when she died... I held her in my arms and sung her a lullaby." Tears rolled down Samkiel's face. "To feel this pain even know, is what true torture and sadness is."

"Did you meet her again when you went back to heaven?" Dean asked softly, completely intrigued by her words.

She nodded and turned her face from Dean. "She met up with her husband, who had died a couple years before I came along. I was a distant memory. The love I felt, wasn't mirrored."

Dean was silent a moment, not being able to come up with the words to say. Here was the angel of destruction, pouring her heart into a story of love lost. Not only that, but Dean began to understand the chances that Cas had love him back.

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